5 Months!


Weight: 17.8 lbs (!!!)
Length: 26 in

Bianca's accomplishments!

*smiles at strangers
*says baba very well
*corn on the cobs everything
*tries to sit up on own, does her ab exercises
*sits up very well now!
*tried and loves rice cereal
*tried and thinks oatmeal is ok
*can be held by others for a longer period of time
*ROLLED OVER 4/11/11, and i missed it...then she did it again on4/17
*likes to be on the floor and just roll (mostly on her side)
*love putting her feet on things
*rode first ferris wheel (nyc)
*rode first train
*rode first subway



Photo Shoot!

Cute-Clip-From-Sara Photo Shoot!!!

Sara made Bianca the CUTEST little clip EVER, so of course I HAD to have a photo shoot, bahhahahaha! It was fun though! She is so top model worthy with those smizes. ;)

And two more cute pics, just for fun! Look how well she is sitting up on the couch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bianca's First Foods

Man, does this girl keep us on our toes! We've been so busy after Spring break. Bianca tired rice cereal a little bit after her 4 month birthday, and she loves it!!! We're going to try a new cereal every week or so, just to make sure she isn't allergic to anything. After cereals we'll add in veggies, meats, and fruits. She's just getting so big! We got videos, have no fear! :-P Check them out in her 5 month post! Here's some cute pics of our little miss!

Check out mah drooooollll!

after eating rice cereal, yummy!

She loves to eat this alligator