A Surprise Birthday makes me a liar...

Happy birthday to me! Bobby had told me in advance with our Australia trip and our upcoming Asia trip that we weren't going too far away for my birthday this year. In fact, we were going to Greek Peak again, which was a BLAST last year! I was excited and told everyone about it and such. But then it's the day before my birthday and the day before we left and SURPRISE! We're not going to Greek Peak? Thanks for making into a liar baby. ;) We were headed to........ LAKE PLACID, NY!!! How exciting!!! 

I made my cake and we took a part of it with us (I did this especially because I thought we were just going up the road to Greek Peak again, but nope!). We headed up to Syracuse for the night apparently. We went shopping at the mall (I spent the rest of my Wet Seal gift card I'm pretty sure I got in like high school that my mom found for me in my old room recently LOL) and ate at Uno's. When we got to our hotel for the night, Bobby told me we were headed off on a train to Lake Placid tomorrow! So excited!

My big cake I quickly threw together. We took 2 smaller cakes I made with us.

We woke up early on my birthday and went to the train station. After not finding a real place to park, we just parked somewhere and prayed it'd be ok (spoiler: we were fine). We made it to our train on time, hooray! We had to transfer trains at a ghetto station, but we survived. When we got to our destination, we hopped in a van that took us to our hotels (the train station's like 45 mins away from Lake Placid surprisingly). Our hotel was really nice! We were disappointed that they didn't have any babysitting so we couldn't go skiing, but there were other awesome things to do there that weekend we didn't care. 

People ice fishing on the Lake Champlain. 

That night we decided to go on a sleigh ride! It was VERY cold, but a lot of fun. They give you free hot chocolate (that was the best we've had in forever) to take with you on the ride. It was through this huge hill and it was so beautiful because it started to snow. Then all of a sudden overhead, there were...FIREWORKS!!! Just for my birthday, aw. Kidding. But it was still cool. I never thought I'd see fireworks on my birthday in February. Bianca liked the horses a lot, even though she was freezing. It took forever for the cab to get there after, which sucked but oh well. We ate dinner at the resort that night and rested up for an exciting next day!

The next morning we went dog sledding!!! This guy takes you on a loop around this frozen lake and it was pretty awesome. Bianca loved the dogs (of course). 

view from our room

We found somewhere to eat lunch and then walked around town for a bit. Got some cupcakes that weren't that great (mine are better). Bianca napped and then we decided to go down and watch the luging competition that was going on that weekend. It was freezing and Bianca was sleepy, but we went and stayed for a little bit anyways. It was really neat to see. When Bianca woke up and decided she didn't want to be there, we decided to head back. We walked around town and I saw a Gap Outlet and had to go in. I got a shirt for $2 there and got Bianca bigger shoes for less than $5...at the freaking Gap! Yahoo! Thanks, hunny!Then we ate dinner at this Mexican place in this small shopping "mall." We just retired back to our hotel and hung out the rest of the night.

How we kept our daughter warm. Yes, we got a lot of looks. It was awesome.

The cowbell we bought her to cheer her up.

The next morning Bobby was sick! Nooo! We stayed in most of the day, with the exception of me going out and buying us sandwiches. Bobby knew I wanted to go tubing, but I wanted him to stay in and feel better, but he was stubborn and took us tubing anyways. It was fun, but crowded. We only got to go down like 2 times each. Bianca got to go down with me the last time and she loved it! But I must say, I think her favorite part was walking up the hill (strange girl!). She laughed and laughed and had a blast while we were huffing and puffing it. That night I got us some yummy Chinese food to help Bobby's sickness (he thinks it was the flu) and he rested while Bianca and I played and watched the Food Network.

I'm going down!

Bobby ready to go down!

Her new kitty shoes!

Our cool room.

We headed home the next morning. I liked the train station there (we didn't spend any time there coming here, but the train was late leaving out, so we hung out). The lady who runs it had a cute kitty, but someone was allergic so she had to put him away. :( She made hot chocolate for all for all of us and put candy out plus there were books to read. Bianca had fun there. It must've been a day for train delays because our second train was delayed too. We made friends with some Mennonite people and their baby. It was a tiring trip, but nice when we finally got to our car and headed back to Ithaca.

Celebrating with my cake at home!

Bianca packing herself up for our next adventure...

Where has the time gone?

It's safe to say that this semester for Bobby ROCKS! He's only taking 3 classes, one class per day. Then he works Mon- Thurs for just a couple of hours a day and he gets a 3 day weekend! I like it, more husband time is always good. I haven't had much computer time because he has been super busy applying to jobs. Eek! Scary! May is coming up so fast.

Anyways, life is back to normal here...kinda. A few days (yes, days) after returning home from Australia, Bobby grabs his wallet and phone and shuts himself in the computer room. I thought he was just planning out my birthday, but no. Apparently we're going on ANOTHER trip for spring break...this time to...


I'm as shocked as you are. But excited. Oooh boy this will definitely be one of our craziest adventures yet. So yeah. Nothing else too new around here, just getting back in the swing of everything again. Here's what our silly little girl has been up to:


She saw her shadow...6 more weeks of winter :(

Our friends hosted a groundhog's day party, which was a lot of fun! We attempted to watch the movie "Groundhog's Day" but conversing with each other was more fun, ate yummy treats, and played a trivia game. And we won a prize! Woohoo! 

Back to Bianca...

We had a relaxing Valentine's Day this year. Bobby had his "long" day today, boo! But we celebrated at night by going to Chili's haha. Silly lack of good restaurants here. But we had a nice time. I remember last year Bianca slept the WHOLE time we were in the restaurant, so it was like we were on a date, but this year she kept us on our toes for sure. ;) I got her a Gabba Gabba book and made her a picture book with all of our family members and her favorite things in it. She loves it and hopefully it'll help her to learn our family members' names that live far away from us.

Look at those beautiful flowers, aw! 

True love <3 p="p">