OAKlahoman September Birthday Fun!

This month has been busy busy busy! Bobby's already been at the state capitol for over a month now, I'm just getting bigger and bigger, and Bianca is still obsessed with Mickey Mouse. I'm 20 weeks now, half way there, eek! Oh and the title of the post. Well in my OB records from Ithaca, the lady wrote in the report 3 times that we were moving to...OAKlahoma. Yeah. You can excuse one mistake, but 3??? And you're a doctor, really??? REALLY?? haha It gave my new doctor's office a good laugh.

 20 WEEKS!!!!

Our September adventures started with going to the zoo! Bobby had ordered us all Romney shirts and we are now required to wear them as often as possible from now until November...or until I outgrow mine haha. We got to feed the giraffes! It was so cute. Bianca loved feeding them "leaves." She just laughed and laughed and laughed. It was extra to feed them, but totally worth it!

Bianca was so excited to see the elephants at the zoo. They were one of the last animals we saw (because of their location), but it was still a lot of fun. Man it was HOT though! We sat down a few times for me to drink and munch on Bianca's crackers. I forgot how hot it can get out here.

Then we played in the little splash area, which was super cute. She didn't want to get out of the water and go to the petting zoo! We coaxed her out of there...eventually.

I think her favorite farm animal was the goat. She kept chasing it and saying "HI GOAT! HI GOAT HI GOAT HI GOAT!!!"

Our last zoo stop was the birds! We got to go inside the cages to see the birds, and I even got to hold one! It tried to eat my earring, but we stopped the little bugger.

She was exhausted after all of that. I love spending time with my family. It's the best. <3

I had another ultrasound recently to check some spots they thought they saw on boy's heart. :( Hopefully it's nothing, it's an EIF. Doesn't sound serious in MOST cases, but we're still freaked out. Anyway, here's a cute face pic of him!!!

Bianca and I have been having fun at home while daddy works. This is a normal, everyday occurrence.

We went to a birthday party this weekend! Bianca was super exhausted afterwards. Then we went to a fair in OKC after hahaha. It was neat, we got to see the governor's mansion and Bianca got to go to a story time, and it wasn't too hot, so all around a good time.

Here's some more goofy Bianca pics!

 Yes, she fell asleep like that LOL!

 Those are Mickey Mouse cards down her shirt, in case you were wondering.

Another September highlight was going to the state fair! We've (yes, Bobby who is FROM OK included) never been, and it was a ton of fun!!! We checked out the animals at first and Bianca LOVED them.

Then we ate and I had a BACON cinnamon roll. And it was as glorious as it sounds (I only ate half of it though lol. Not much room in there for food with this little guy).

We saw some pigs race!

 And then the highlight...DISNEY ON ICE!!!!!!! It was so much fun. It was princess themed and Bianca didn't know any of the princesses, but whenever Mickey and the gang came out in between princess stories she's shout "I SEE MICKEY! I SEE MINNIE! OH NO! WHERE'D GOOFY GO??" Fun was had by all for sure. Thanks OK state fair for living up to our standards!

 The Princess and the Frog (she liked the frog)

 Cinderella (she was bored)

 Tangled (she liked the horse...notice a pattern here?)


Bobby had to work on his birthday, boo! He opened presents int he morning and I spent the day working on his cake, a watermelon cake with REAL watermelon in it, and it was the best cake ever!!!

Bianca getting brave at the big playground!!

We went to Ted's to eat when he got out of work (I can't have the queso there, and that makes me sad). And then we just went home and ate yummy watermelon cake. Happy birthday baby! We (3) love you!!!