The next day, Saturday, was the big day! We got the kids up, dressed, and fed. Bobby's former boss's daughter was coming to watch our kiddos for us, which was spectacular! We was really nice, and we were super thankful! Bianca was so excited to play with her. She loves meeting new people, anyone who will give her attention I guess.
We headed downstairs after we told her what was going on. I had a meeting since I was presenting an award that day. Then we were let into the room and they had a lunch buffet for us! It was alright. The people at our table were nice, which was cool. They were actually from the Raleigh area, which was funny. Put all the NC people together I guess. It was nice to have a fancy lunch date with my baby though! <3
Otis wasn't there though, which I thought he was coming, but it's all good. The ceremony was long, but aren't all awards ceremonies? The first surprise came when Otis won for best directing for Dead Reckoning! I couldn't believe it! That's when I knew he really wasn't there. Altoro, who played the priest in the movie, accepted the award for him...well until he noticed me in the audience haha. He called me out, saying that the lead actress from the movie should accept I had to, which was awkward. I said something along the lines of him being an awesome director and how thankful he's going to be to have won and that was that! But I got to hold an award, woohoo!
Go Otis!! Well I got up and presented. It was fun. There's an embarassing video of it. Here.
And pictures.
So fun though! Then the big category...BEST ACTRESS!!!! Altorro was presenting it too. Eek!
Well, I didn't win. But it was still so much fun! Here's Otis's award I can show a picture of at least ;) And the lady who won had quite the dress on ;)
When the ceremony was finally over we headed back up to the room. The kids were great for their babysitter friend! I was so happy. We paid her and then I posed with the award some more (bahahaha, can you blame me though? This was such a cool experience, even if I didn't win).
For dinner, we decided to go to...T-COAST!!! AND I COULD EAT THE QUESO BECAUSE I AM NOT PREGNANT, something I didn't get to do before we moved away from DC, WOO-HOOOOOO!!! And it was amazing. Love T-Coast!
Walking around DC again made us miss it there. Why does it have to be so expensive to live there?? At least we don't live that far away and can visit whenever we like! We took the kids by the White House. Bianca didn't really get what it was, but it was still fun! We turned in for the night then, and Bianca got sick that night! Like throw up sick. :( poor girl. Luckily for us Cam slept through it, thank goodness. We changed her sheets and she was fine after that. Must have been something she ate. Who knows :( Poor girly.
The next day, we had to take the award to Otis's house. it was kinda sorta in the direction we were traveling, so it wasn't a problem to take it. But with Bianca being sick that night, we decided to take it easy that morning. We took our time getting ready and checking out. Then we took the metro to our car back in VA. Since we were in search of good food, we just HAD to drive back out to Bethesda to get some Foong Lin!!! As we were driving past, we noticed the whole building where it used to be was GONE!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Luckily for smartphones we were able to find out it just moved somewhere else. PHEW! We ate there and it was amazing. I really miss Bethesda/DC sometimes. Or at least my tummy does. ;)
When in Bethesda, one must go to the temple!!! We went there next and hung out at the visitor's center for a bit and took some cute pics outside the temple. I wish we lived 5 minutes away from it like in the old days.
We drove to Woodbridge next and delivered Otis his award! We couldn't stay long at all, since we had to get back to Wilmington for Bobby's work and the start of everyone's school the next day, so we talked for a bit outside in our cars. He is a fabulous director and was great to work with. I'm glad he gave me this opportunity for sure!! We got back pretty late, but it was all worth it! Hopefully performing will be in my close future again!