March Maddness 2019

A lot of things have happened this month. It has been super crazy! Here's to documenting it all!

Bobby's co-worker gave us tickets to see "The Play That Goes Wrong." It was the most hilarious show I have ever seen! We couldn't stop laughing the entire time!! 

We also took the kids to the circus. It was pretty neat. They lasted the whole time (minus Micah falling asleep) and loved it!

Micah fell asleep during it lol

Performing their own circus haha!

Making art at girl scouts
 Film outakes (you'll see some throughout this month)

KiRyn and Jaime being my last minute cue card holders

So much has been happening, I haven't had time to write about this! We had Cameron's IEP meeting in January and I ended up being the one to run almost all of it. It was as if his teacher (who has been teaching for 11 years I think she said) never did one before. It was nuts! The kicker was that she didn't even know that he knew the letters of the alphabet. Is Cameron hyper and hard to manage sometime? Yes. But still, you should be making time to help him academically, not just feeding him all day. I know the level of all of my students and I am the only special ed teacher in my whole building!!! It made us so furious so we made the decision to take him out of school and put him in ABA all day. We signed him up for Epic (online school) just in case schools in Texas don't like that (even that is pointless, but whatever). So he goes there full time every day now except for the half day  on Fridays, where we have a lady from church watch him for a half day. I pick him up everyday because my job gets out first. But I started this film at my school and I cannot stop it. So I pick him up and take him with me to film. Ms. Harban watches the kids while I get Cam, and then I designate a "Cameron Crew" who keeps and eye on him while we film. It worked out thankfully, but it's super exhausting.
Emmitt and Cameron

"A bunk bed for the Barbies" hahaha!

Another thing I forgot to write about. So Bobby's mom had an infection on her foot since December/November. She had a few operations and now they needed to amputate her foot! So they did that earlier this month. Then the weirdest thing happened. Bobby's mom told him he was moving in with his sister because she could take care of her better. So Bobby's dad was out of the house. And his sister doesn't like her communicating with him. So weird! We told him to move in with us. It helps us out and gives him something to do. He likes the senior center here, so he'll go to that and help us with the kids. It's just all so...crazy. 

Anyways, spring break was crazy! The kids didn't get to go anywhere but we headed out to Texas for job interviews. Here's our break:

Day 1; went to the park. Bianca's friends were there and she got to play with them, which was super fun for her. And Cameron is getting more bold on playgrounds and climbing up high things now, woohoo!

The kids stayed with grandpa at home and we went to Fort Worth for a couple of days. I had 2 interviews, one for a theatre position (AHHHHH!!!) and another for a special ed, which is probably what I'll end up teaching while waiting for a theatre position. 

 I went to the special ed one first and it went well! The lady seemed really nice. Only downside was that it is far away from where we want to live. And it's for a kinder autism class. But I think I'd like it. Then a couple of hours after I had my phone interview for the Uplift theatre job. It went well too. We went and looked at a few houses and I got an email from the Uplift school asking me to come in for an in person interview!! I said that we were in town and could totally do that. So I had 24 hours to come up with a 10 minute Kinder theatre lesson. I got to work and Bobby helped me fix the kinks in it. Man, was that stressful!!!

We saw a Mormon Trail, haha!

Best queso ever!!!

house with mirrors everywhere lol

The next day I went to my Uplift interview ready to go! I thought the lesson went really well and the kids were totally into it. We talked about being a good audience and we acted out a quick story. Then they took me back and gave me more questions to answer. I got the most awkward question EVERRR though!! It was something about how I'm white and the kids are not and how I'd make that work. Bah!!! That was the only bad part though. Fingers crossed! I really want to teach theatre soooo badly!!

Micah spelled March?? What??

Our students picked a continent for our school's fun night. We got Antarctica, woohoo! They had a lot of fun researching this continent.

 Cameron's ABA clinic partnered with Micah's soccer place and they started offering classes for kids with autism! The people that work at the ABA clinic have been coming in and helping with it. It has been a lot of fun and Cameron really seems to like it! It makes out schedules even more crazy, but it's worth it!

 Oh and I finished my movie, woohoo! It turned out great! Here's the link:

Bloopers first and then the film:

Sneaking Bobby's dad in to see his wife since Samantha does not want him to contact her at all...ugh. So weird.  

RIP Selena

BTW I did not end up getting that Uplift job. I was SO sad. But I got an interview with Keller Fine Arts and they recommended me for the Elementary and Intermediate theatre pools, HOORAY!!! Even better in my opinion!! Fingers crossed!!!!