Another Conquering the South Adventure

Bobby's place of summer employment has 2 offices, one here in Knoxville and one in a small town in Kentucky, Whitesburg. They decided to send him to the Kentucky office for one day to see everyone up there and to help out (or just to have fun). The people he works with are awesome because they TOLD him to bring his girls with him, aw! So off we went for an exciting KY adventure! We got there and they set me and Lil B up in a room to ourselves with a TV while Bobby went to work! It was nice to have our own space so she could play/eat/nap without disturbing anyone. I was wondering what the heck we'd do when we got there, but they took care of it for us :)

They even took us all out to eat and got us a hotel to stay in (which was nice, even though it was a smoking hotel). After lunch Bianca and I headed to the motel and napped until the mister was all done. Then he said that one of the ladies and her family were taking us out to eat that night! Um, can you please just hire Bobby? These people are so nice! We had a nice dinner that night with good people. 

The next day we headed home early, and of course if you're in Kentucky what's the one place you MUST stop at??? THE FIRST KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN, DUH!!! It was a neat experience I must say, even for vegetarian Bobby. They had a bunch of old memorabilia there and replicas of what his house and kitchen and junk used to look like. BUT the chicken wasn't as good in my opinion. I was a bit sad. It was probably just a bad batch but still. I guess I just had high expectations :) It's well worth the stop if you're a chicken fan like me though!

So thumbs up overall, Kentucky! So what have we been doing for the rest of July? Trying to fulfill our crazy summer calendar, hanging out at home, ticking off our downstairs neighbors apparently (every time Bobby exercises at night, they bang on the ceiling. I'm scared someday they'll come barging up and try to shoot us or something haha!), and trying new and interesting ways to try to get Bianca to crawl...

(yes, that's a paper towel roll he put under her lol. Bobby's determined to get her crawling if it's the last thing he does!) 

Now random shots...

We also got to go to a TN Smokies baseball game! It was LDS night so that was even more fun! We didn't stay for the whole game because Bianca was a bit sleepy, but we had a good time! The mister and I got ice cream and Bianca loved playing with the spoon and licking our soda cup. Silly girl!

Can't believe our time is almost up here :( Wish we didn't have to go back to NY.

8 months!


weight: 22.3lbs

says bababababbaba

can stay pulled up on couch, coffee table, etc

LOVES to play on the floor


Sweet Home Alabama

Well, what have we been up to? We started Bianca on swimming lessons, to give her (us) something to do. Plus she loves water. But they are kinda lame. Seriously, all the lessons are the same. I could totally teach your kid right now the Knoxville YMCA's 6-36 months swim class (any takers???). But Bianca has a lot of fun, so it's all good. They swim on their bellies, then backs, then you teach them to sit on the side while you swim away and say WAIT then count to 3 and then splash them in the water, then we swim after balls, and usually play a little game with a song. Most of the kiddos are Bianca's age and one is older. She's totally the best swimmer though, and I'm not just saying that because I am her super proud mommy hehe. 

(she found where we hid her diapers, silly girl!)

So this weekend we decided to hit up sweet home Alabama and try to get Mississippi in there too. We got a bit of Georgia too, YAY! Knocking those states off of our list. We left after Bobby got outta work that day and got there kinda late, but it was a decent car ride. 

The next day we went to the Rocket and Space museum there in Huntsville. It was a ton of fun actually. They had some random rides outside that we went on, but they weren't too much fun (esp the one Bobby got stuck on). Miss Crankypants came to join us on our trip, but she eventually cried herself to sleep, which is what she wanted to do in the first place despite us cuddling her and feeding her and trying to calm her down. A silly girl she is indeed. 

They had a special exhibit with dinosaurs (named Sue apparently lol) and such, so we hit that up and it was fun. They had some video games to play and it was pretty entertaining. The main exhibit with all the rockets was the coolest because you got to go in a lot of them. Bianca loved that part!

Then we decided to drive into Mississippi to get some food LOL. Just to say we did. We went all the way to Mississippi and what did we eat??? MEXICAN FOOD! Good Mexican food too might I add! So good job, Mississippi! We had a fun hour with you.

That night we went to this huge shopping area to explore. It was surprisingly a lot of fun. We got some yummy fro yo and just enjoyed the beautiful night! Huntsville, you're pretty cool in my book!

We had to leave the next day, but we drove through town and looked at some of the big older houses they had there, which was cool. Then we found a LONGHORN STEAK HOUSE to eat  at, hip hip hooray indeed! Thanks baby!! Not much else occurred, just drove home and were very pleasantly surprised with our excellent Alabama adventures. We shall def come back someday!

But of course that's not the end if you know Erikobby! We drove through Chattanooga, and we left early enough that we decided, heck, let's go to that underground waterfall (Ruby Falls) that we really wanted to go to sometime. Might as well since we're here! So we did! The only thing that sucked was that strollers were not allowed, so we had to carry a heavy baby through the long cave. We took turns carrying her but man, what a good work out it was, let me tell you! I think we all had fun! Bianca liked looking at the rock formations and she really wanted to touch the waterfall, but good thing she didn't because there's some mineral in that water that makes you go to the bathroom...immediately. Our guide told us only to get some if we had someone to seek revenge upon, otherwise he wouldn't advise it haha! All in all, Ruby Falls, you gave us a great time! NOW it's the end :)