...Is this really winter?!?!?!

For the northeast, this winter has been AMAZING! We hardly got any snow this year (compared to last year where it felt like we were snowed in from December through almost March) and the weather most days has been nice enough to throw on a sweatshirt and go play outside (the best thing a stay at home mommy can hope for). I am grateful the nice winter happened this year and not last year because with a newborn it's not like we could have went out anyways, it just would've made me sad. We've just been playing a lot and preparing for Asia and Disney Land! We've been showing Bianca who Mickey Mouse is to prepare her for this trip and she likes them, so yay. Next post will probably be all about Asia, so wish us luck! Here's our cutie pie

A bit obsessed still with her party favors...

 Bianca got her first real sickness for the first time this month :( She was sad, had a runny nose, and then was breaking a fever. We thought it was just sniffles and teething at first (she always gets a mild fever when she teeths), but then one morning we were all cuddling in bed together and BOOM she throws up all over the bed and herself. :( That was the breaking point. We took her to the urgent care place and apparently she has an ear infection! Poor little girl. But she LOVES her medicine. She can't get enough of it. And you think it'd be the pink stuff that tastes like bubble gum, right? WRONG. It's white and smells like crap. But she slurps it down and gets sad when I don't give her more. What a silly child!

Sick Bianca :(

Mommy cut her hair

One of our friends at church recently got a cool camera and has been exploring film making for a while and he asked me to be in one of his shorts, YAY! I was SO exciting because there are very limited chances for acting around here. It was a lot of fun too!


Well we'll see you all in Asia I suppose!