A Very Ithaca Summer: Part 2

New apartment, new post :-P. Moving wasn't too bad, and the apartment was sweet. We got cable for free and (most of the time) internet for free, something those apartments were stopping in August. So I did not miss any of my beloved food network shows haha. It was nice living there because it was super close to church and to Tops, plus I had my Bobby home with me everyday which made it all the better! We took Bianca to the park a few times a week and did other adventures.

                                                                        First ponytail, so cute!

For the 4th of July we saw the fireworks in Ithaca a few days before, which were pretty cool. Bianca spent the whole time shouting out the colors. She liked the green ones the best. On the actual holiday we went to Syracuse to see their fireworks. It was fun. The Syracuse band played and Bianca walked around and convinced someone to give her a glowstick for being so cute haha. She knows how to get what she wants in life already. She got a bit cranky when the fireworks came on, who knows why, but when she realized they were going off, she calmed down a bit. 

Then she didn't want to get in her stroller to go back to the car so our night ended like this. Then it took forever for everyone to leave the parking lot, but overall, it was a success!

We had so much fun hanging out at the parks this summer and exploring new gorges. One fun thing we did was go pick raspberries and blueberries from a local farm! Good thing Bianca knows her colors, because it helped her pick the ripe blueberries off of the branches. We all had a lot of fun picking (eating) and making yummy muffins with our loot!

We planned an impromptu trip to RI at the last minute (with the help of Shire) since we had some exciting news to share with everyone up there...


I decided to be cleaver and not say anything but have Bianca wear a shirt that had a kitty on it in which I wrote "Purrfect Big Sis" on it, because of course everyone is going to notice it...NOT!!! Sadly, a few days before we left, Bianca got sick. We almost had to cancel our trip, since she had tonsillitis and wasn't eating ANYTHING (if you know Bianca, you know this is HIGHLY unusual), but she got better and we were able to go a day later than expected. We had a blast in RI. We visited Nana and Kathy with my mom when we got in. They did not noticed her shirt. Well Kathy did but she didn't say anything. I had to point it out haha. It was pretty funny. Oh and we ate at Greggs. Yum. We went out to breakfast with Shire and out to the beach, hooray! Bianca had fun, but didn't want to go in very far without daddy. Then we ate at Jade Garden and played with Manda and her kiddos at the playground! She did not notice her shirt either. Am I the only observant one here?? hehe

                                            She LOVED Max and Cody

                                                Christopher, Destiny, Kevin Jr, and Bianca

So that night I got super sick from the Chinese food. Excellent. This pregnancy is going to be fun, I can already tell. The next day we just hung out, got pizza (salad for me) and hung out with Nana, Kathy, and my mom again, and then went to my mom's and I cleaned out my room since my mom's moving to GA with my aunt. At night we went out to eat with Erica and Nick...and I got sick there too, go figure. They didn't notice either. I am too impatient, so I told everyone to check out her shirt haha.

                                                           Bianca loved decorating Pearl Kitty...

                                           The final decorated Pearl

The next day we played with Shire's sister's mini horse, which Bianca LOVED! We said bye to Max and Cody (oh and Shire too, hehe) and then went over to Miss Laura's house! YAY!!! We haven't seen her since...she got married! Crazy. It was a lot of fun hanging out there and catching up, watching the kiddos play. Meg and Wally stopped by too. We ate lunch and then had to get going since we had to get back to NY that night :( We said goodbye to my mom and went back home. All in all a nice trip!

                                                 can you tell she ate broccoli for breakfast?? lol!

                                                                Brooke and Bianca!
                                               Proof that we were there.

The next day we went to see the Hill Cumorah pageant since we figured we wouldn't get this chance again for a long time (I SO COULD HAVE BEEN IN IT!!! BAH! I wish I would have known the economy would have sucked in advance lol). It was a lot of fun. Bianca walked around a lot before it began and then sat down and watched it nicely (surprisingly). She shouted "it angels" and "it Jesus" excitedly whenever she saw them. It was awesome and SOMEDAY I shall be in it :)

We spent the rest of our time in Ithaca packing, seeing friends, watching my movie (hooray!), and crossing things off of our Ithaca bucket list. We went to this big treehouse, which wasn't that exciting, but Bianca had a good time.

Our last adventure was to Watkins Glen State Park, which was AWESOME! Well, except for the fact that we (Bobby) had to carry Bianca around a lot. And it was rainy. BUT it wasn't too hot, which is good for this pregnant chick. No passing out this pregnancy again for me thanks.

We had a pretty good 2 years, Ithaca. Would never live there again, but it was fine while it lasted. ;) Thanks for the good times, good friends, and beautiful scenery. /end last time living in the northeast for Erikobby.