Life With Two

Well life with a little one is hard, but he's so precious, it's worth it. We've had my visiting teachers come over to give us some meals, which is super nice and SO helpful, especially since neither of our families can come and help us. My friend Michelle said this about Cameron "You can tell he's a Hall", and it made us crack up. Guess that means he's super cute. :-P I can't get over how skinny his little legs are. I think Bianca was fluffier than him. He's more muscular, even for a newborn. He loves to eat and can sleep in his crib for little bits of time unlike SOMEONE *coughBIANCAcough*. Here's some new pics!!!

                                              (I agree, Bianca)

 We took him out in the cold and wind to his first doctor's appointment, which went well. He lost a little bit of weight so he has another appointment next week, but with how he's eating, he'll gain it back in NO time! Such a trooper! <3

 Bianca still acts like he's been here for forever, but she likes to play with him whenever he's on his mat. He thinks it's interesting to look at the singing star and animals- very good investment for babies haha. We're thankful our Cameron is here and he is such a joy...even if he doesn't sleep that long yet (but longer than Bianca I believe at least).