2 months- Cameron!


I can't believe our sweet little guy is two months old ALREADY! Yes, it's been kinda sleepless, but he sleeps better than his sister still, which is amazing! Amazing being 4 hour stretches with some 6 hour ones thrown in there (woo hoo!). What a pal he is! He likes to copy mommy when she says "I love you." He still loves to eat, and is showing it by gaining some cute baby pudge. He loves staring at Bianca's Valentine's Day balloon, and he even grabs for it every now and then!He had his first walk outside to the office, went to church for the first time (@6 weeks old), and he also had his first real bath in the tub. Your bellybutton hernia is still big, but it'll go down soon the doctors say, thank goodness! But it doesn't hurt, so it's all good.You also went out to eat for the first time at Fazolli's! Plus you had your baby blessing. Man, what a busy busy month for Mr.Cameron!

Well we sure did have fun on his birthday. We went into OKC to go to a kids festival. It was chilly, but it was all inside, thank goodness! Cameron unfortunately slept through it all (except for the loud music at the end), but Bianca had a great time. She met some princesses and other characters, got prizes, and danced to some music. It was a fun day indeed. Here's our pictures and videos from Cam's 2 month birthday!

 Oh and BTW, our apartment complex's lawn is blue. Like aqua blue. Like what??? It looks ridiculous.

 Here's Cam's traditional photo shoot :)


Stopping the Swaddles

First of all, I forgot to include some fun pics from his blessing weekend in the last post. Oops! Here they are:

Mr. Cameron is getting so big! He's kinda struggling sleeping, so we decided not to swaddle his arms when he goes to sleep, and he's been sleeping a bit better, hooray! Just thought I'd document that haha. And add some cute pics, including Bianca helping to put the paci in brother's mouth. She thinks it's her job to do that and hey, if both parties are happy with that, then why not? :)

OH! And I swear Cam is trying to say "I love you" back to me! Every time I say it to him, he goes "ooooooh!", as if he's trying to say "you" too. Aww, such a sweet little boy we've got here. :)

                                                       Bye bye angel wings over the arms

Cameron's Blessing!

This past weekend was crazy! First, Bobby had to go pick up his mom in Chickasha, since she won't drive into the "big city" (ha!). The kids and I amused ourselves pretty darn well if you ask me. Here's the proof. ;)

 It was late when they got home, so we just went to bed that night.
The next morning we took advantage of having an extra person with us and we went to the OKC temple to take some family pictures with Cameron in his blessing outfit, aw! Some of the pictures turned out...interesting, but overall they were cute and I'm glad we were able to have them taken for us by Bobby's mom!

 Bobby and I got some food for his mom and the kids and we were able to go out to eat by ourselves during Bianca's naptime, which was nice. Then later on, we got dinner for all of us and got to go see A MOVIE!!! Not just, any movie, but LES MIS, which was excellent btw. :) The cheap-o theater we went to was nasty and I would never go there again, even if it was only $2, but the movie was great, and it was nice to have some night date night time (finally).

The next morning was St. Patrick's day and CAMERON'S BABY BLESSING, YAY! He did so well during it, just slept like a, well, baby. That's our precious little man! After church we went out to eat, Cameron's first time! We got Fazolli's since Bobby's mom needed something to eat before she headed back home. Cam did great there too, hooray for Cam! Then Bobby took his mom back to Chickasha and that was Cam's blessing weekend. And he is such a blessing to us indeed. :)

 Here's some bonus pictures from the past couple of days :)