UNCW bound!

 Well, it's official. We're moving to Wilmington, NC next month!!! The crazy packing has already become. Our plan B is working out for us, Bobby getting a teaching degree which will guarantee us a job (thanks a lot, Cornell). He got into Harvard and Vanderbilt, but we ultimately decided on UNCW, simply because we want to end up in the Carolinas and the work will be super easy for him, haha! 

But life goes on for us. We've just been packing and hanging out at home lately. Here's some cute pictures of the kiddos.

                                                  He loves that stinking balloon!

            I thought she was being pretty quiet while I was feeding Cameron. Turns out, she fell asleep, haha!

                                     It doesn't look like it from this picture, but he just loves to give kisses!

 Bianca has memorized a few of her favorite shows and DVDS. Her favorite to recite is Kai-Lan's mad song. This is the song and the mad face made in said show:



 Cameron is getting so big! He's not even two months, but already losing that skinnyness and getting some chunk. Guess my milk is pretty good. ;) Here's my little man:

 One day, Cameron was being a bit cranky, so I put him in Bianca's bed to play (he loves to be int here with her). She proceeded to put the blanket on him, and snuggle up to him. He was asleep within minutes. Thank you, Bianca!!!

                                                      Bianca did this to me...
Just wanted to document Cameron's first "room" or corner of a room :)

 We also had a fun play group at a park recently. I got to being Bianca while Bobby was home with Mr. Cameron! She had a blast with mommy!

My silly boys...

                                                             I love my boys!!! <3