Goodbye, Edmond :(

I didn't think I'd be this sad about it, but we have officially left Edmond and Oklahoma (probably for good). I'm really going to miss all of our new friends we made out here, it made this whole move out here worth it just for that. In the days leading up to the move, we just finished up packing, and I practiced carrying Cameron around in my wrap, since we are flying out to Wilmington. We'll be staying with Bobby's mom for a couple of days and then flying out there on Saturday April 13th while Bobby, Bianca, and his dad drive the car out there. I'm so sad to be away from them, but I've got Cam to keep me company out here. And flying with a baby that's just shy of 3 months is a lot easier than a big long road trip anyways. Here's our pre-move pics:

 The movers were coming at 9-10am, so we made sure we had everything ready for them. They tried to get us to have a later pick up day, but our lease was up, so now they're taking our stuff to storage and then putting it on the truck out there. Hopefully they don't lose anything. I'm so scared of that!!! That morning was fine. Michelle from church brought us breakfast in the morning, which was so nice of her and so helpful!! But the movers came on time and they were out of there in 3 hours! Not bad! Then, the other Michelle, my VT, came over with some yummy soup for lunch! She's the best! :)

 We took the kids to the park for a little bit so that they could get out a little bit. Then we went back home and put Bianca down for a nap and did some last minute cleaning. Michelle (lol too many Michelles!!!), Bobby's friend, came over to say goodbye. When Bianca woke up, we went over to the RS president's house for dinner- TACO NIGHT!!! It was very delicious and a nice farewell. We got home and all slept on our blankets on the floor (except Cam who still had his pack and play, of course).
 The next morning we drove off to meet Bobby's parents halfway. I was going with his mom and kids to Altus while Bobby and his dad tried to fit the last of our junk in the car. We finally all met up at his parents' house later that afternoon. We had a couple of days to spend there altogether before they left to drive out to NC. We did some fun things, like hold Cameron up to the Cameron Dr. sign, Simba style.

Then we realized that the carnival was in town! We took Bianca out by ourselves as a special treat for her. She got to ride the merry-go-round twice, once with each of us. She was so excited to choose which animal she wanted. That's all she talked about for the next couple of days.

The rest of the time we had in Altus we spent together. Bobby and I went on a few dates luckily, to the movies and to the carnival by ourselves, which was nice.

It was sad when it was time to say goodbye. Our move posts will be continued into two separate ones, Erika and Cameron PLUS Bobby and Bianca.