The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

First, here's my baby in his cute cub scout uniform. Isn't he adorable?? 

On with the blog...



We've had some interesting times lately. First we'll do the good. Every Thursday night they shoot fireworks off in Carolina Beach...super cool! We decided to go this week. Well, I guess our experience wasn't all good, parking was awful (as was expected), so we had to park far away. And Cam was cranky (but then fell asleep! but then woke But we got there and it was beautiful!!! Cam stopped crying and watched the fireworks and of course Bianca LOVED them. We decided for all of our efforts and for putting up with the cryings (lol) we got a treat...gelato + Italian ice. Sounds DISGUSTING, esp our flavor combos (Bobby- watermelon ice and salted caramel gelato and Me- lemon ice with salted caramel gelato), but it was the best. EVER. I heart Carolina Beach. Sand, waves, and treats that make you gain 5 lbs in one sitting. What more can you ask for? ;)

I know, I have a flair for the dramatics. This really wasn't bad at all, just a lame attempt to be "clever." So we went to the Wilmington Childrens' Museum lately. I figured we'll prob go get a season pass thing and go here frequently, which is the popular thing to do in other cities we've lived in. Nope! Glad we went before buying the pass. Not that it's horrible. It's just a bit old, that's all really. But we had fun. That day they had a bunch of water stuff set up outside to play with, which was cool. Bianca liked it for the most part, as long as she wasn't getting splashed. She liked cleaning the baby dolls the best. Cameron enjoyed wading in the little pools there, kicking his feet in the water!

  Since we were there, we also explored the museum, which was alright. Not bad. Kinda old. Eh. But The kids had fun! That's all that mattered. :) We were just disappointed with it. Guess we're childrens museum snobs ;)

                                                  She LOVED "cooking" for us, <3

 The festival we've been looking forward too ended in complete disaster...The Blueberry Festival. It was really crowded and hot. Started off good, but when Bianca and I went for a ride on the train, someone yelled at Bobby that Cameron was too hot and tried to take his clothes off of him...yeah. Crazy lady. He walked away with Cam, of course, (WHO WAS FINE BTW!!!!!!!!!!), but with my cell phone...and his. I had no clue where he was or what to do. Luckily we found each other, but maybe a half hour later. We left after that. Luckily we had bought our blueberries. The only good thing to come outta that experience. And MAN, were those blueberry pancakes AMAZING! See below photo: