After The Party It''s The After Party

Wish I could say things have calmed down since Bianca's birthday, but we're still trucking on full speed ahead! Bobby's super excited to be almost done with school (bittersweet though because he enjoys his job at UNCW). Bianca moved up to the 3 year old class at school!! Her new teacher's name is Ms. Nadia and she is super nice. She loves it in that classroom! Wish she could stay in it, but she'll go to a new school next school year, where ever we may end up (PLEASE HERE OR SC! HAHA). I've just been packing up for our trip to Eatonton, GA to visit Bobby's grandparents for Thanksgiving. We're going to visit Atlanta too on our way home, so we are super excited for this mini get away!! Here's what we've been up to post party.

At Walmart, Cam decided to make the cutest faces <3

 I took Bianca to this wildlife sanctuary here. It's theme was "Turkey Time." They read a book to the kids, had them color a turkey feather and put it on a big turkey, took a walk on the nature trail to find a pine cone to make a project. They made a turkey out of the pine cone! Bianca had fun. Yes, she got a little frustrated sometimes because that's how she is, but she had a blast! We'd definitely come back to this program!

Turkey leaf!

 Bobby's mom got Bianca these shoes...she loves them hahaha. Silly girl!


10 Months- Cameron!


BOY!!! You're almost a year old! I can't believe it. Well, one of your many accomplishments this month was this face. You do this all the time, and it is the BEST EVER! Silly boy! Let's see, you're such a copy cat lately, trying to talk up a storm! You have successfully copied us in saying things like "blah blah blah," "hi," "bye," "mama," "uh oh," and "do do do." You also snort whenever Peppa the Pig comes on TV hehe. And you click your tongue back at us now! Yeah, Cameron! We didn't travel anywhere this month, but we went all over Wilmington, that's for sure, from the Fair to Power of Play to friends' houses. It was also your first Halloween and you were Ian Pig from "Olivia!" So cute! You got your first pumpkin and also celebrated your sister's 3rd birthday! What a fun month! More to come next month, that's for sure. Here's your photo shoot in front of the Battleship (which yes, we woke you up to do, sorry Camarooney).

We ate some food that night and discovered you love refried beans (THAT'S WHERE MOMMY'S STRANGE CRAVING CAME FROM WHEN SHE WAS PREGNANT WITH YOU WHEN I NEVER ATE THEM BEFORE!!!). 

 And  a video for good measure.


Bianca's First Play (and other randomness)

It has been an exciting day! First here was our week in pictures:

I never showed my nails with the Jamberry Nails Mary Helen "conned" me into buying (haha, I was easily persuaded because they are just so darn cute! We should get them in by Christmas time, woohoo!). Well, these are the sample ones I tried anyways. :)

They started Daddy driving the bus to pick up the Boys and Girls Club kids...they obviously don't know what kind of driver he is. ;)

 We went to a mini dance "class" at the library! Bianca loved it! Cameron was sleepy during it. Jessica came with Kayson, but he wasn't too into it, so we just met up with them in the children's section of the library and chatted. :)

 Ok, onto the main point of this post. Bobby's boss at UNCW has kids who are really into theatre. They were in a local production of "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" musical and he invited us to come. Well, we knew Cameron wouldn't be able to do it, and since this is her first play, naturally I have to take her to it, so we had a mommy daughter day and I took her to see it! She was really excited about it and ended up liking it. We got a special treat of Skittles before it started, which made it more fun haha. She would dance to the songs and was so excited it was all kids performing it. It was a tad long for a 3 year old, but we did indeed have fun together! 

Today is also Cameron's 10 month birthday, but that will be a separate post of course!


I can't believe our baby girl is THREE!!! You're growing up too fast, please slow down. ;) Before we get into all of your fun festivities, let's not forget about your favorite little brother here. Here's a few cute pics and vids of him before it turns into the Bianca show!

I was excited that her birthday was on a Tuesday, because that means she could spend the day with us instead of at school! They day before I talked to Ms. Tia and she said we could bring in some cupcakes during lunch time and we could celebrate her birthday at school, yay! She specifically asked for green cupcakes (who knows why!!!), so that is what I brought to schoo;. She was so excited! Cameron just wanted to get on the ground and crawl around and get into things, so we made it brief, sang, ate, and left. The kids enjoyed it. I even got to sit down with the kids and eat with them, so cute!

 She was excited to turn three that night. Even Cam was excited too.

The next morning we opened presents! Bianca was so excited! She opened Gram's gifts, Grandma and Papa's gifts, and then our gifts. She was pretty spoiled, but very gracious about each present, which is a special gift to have in itself. Always keep that gift, Bianca.

 We got ready after presents and went to Power Of Play, which is sort of a mini Children's Museum here in Wilmington. We've heard good things about it, so we decided to give it a try...and oh my goodness it is SO much better than the children's museum here! Such a fun place! We will definitely be back again. Here's what we did there:

                                                       Silly boy, sleeping for the first few minutes there!

             I swear, school is helping her to be so much braver in everything she does!

                                                   His favorite "space" was the dinosaur section!

                                                 Bianca's fave was the music place!!!

When we got home, we ate lunch, let Bianca watch whatever she wanted to on TV, took naps, and were ready to get Daddy from work when we woke up! 

We were going to Chik-Fil-A for dinner that night because she loved chicken nuggets and fries and because they had free face painting there! Yay! We were almost late because Daddy gets out of work late, but we did make it in time for the face painting, hooray! She wanted to be Hello Kitty, so that's what she was, so cute!!!

When we were done playing in the playplace and eating, we went home, sang happy birthday, and ate some more yummy cake!!! :-D

Happy birthday to our sweet little Princess! We're so thankful to have you in our lives for these past 3 years, and can't wait for a million more! We love your sweet spirit, your love for Heavenly Father and your family, and how you just love making friends and singing songs. Happy 3rd, Bianca!!! <3