Happy Hall-oween!

We had a nice Halloween this year for sure! To start out, here's our silly boy being silly!

Before Bobby went to work, I took the kids out to have a little photo shoot with their pumpkins and cute orange outfits. Yeah, didn't go so well. So when Daddy went to work, I moved it inside and got some cute pics in there, silly kids indeed.

After naps, Daddy coming home, and pizza for dinner, and got our pig family costumes on. Jessica invited us to go Trick or Treating with them, which was awesome because we had no idea where to go. The Hurlbuts and Rayboulds came too, which was extra fun! And the kids were just too cute!! Bianca and Kayson were the ones who loved knocking on the doors. Poor Cam just sat in the stroller the whole time since he's getting a bit too big for the carrier (and my poor back haha). There was one house that was giving away full sized candy bars, so I had Bobby bring Cam up there to get one too, LOL!!! Cam got a little bit bored and did not like the darkness, so we had to bow out a little bit early, boo! But Bianca still got some good loot and she had fun with her friends. That's all that mattered. :)

When we got to the car, Bobby had an exciting email from Teach For America. HE GOT INTO THE PROGRAM!!! This is such good news for us because that means he can stop going to school at UNCW and getting into more debt! The bad news? Well, he won't have his on campus job anymore, so Bianca's school is going to have to go. But you know what, she got a lot out of this half a year and has grown up so much, I think it'll be fine. We'll put her in some sort of dancing class instead, she'd like that better anyways. SO, we were so excited when we got back to the car and read that, but it looked like he had to go online to accept and to see where they would be sending him. So we had to wait until we got home! We were thinking it'd probably be Charlotte, since we're already in NC, and that wouldn't be bad at all, we love Charlotte! Or SC (although it'll probably be rural SC...so yeah...hm..) I shall reveal where we are going at the end, but I took some pics of the kids when I got home! Bianca ate her sour candy she loves and we let Cameron eat something too...just some animal crackers haha. Sorry Cam, maybe you can have some candy next year.

Now the moment you've all been waiting for. They have assigned Bobby to....................................................

Okla-FREAKING-homa! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?!?! We were so happy to have gotten TFA, and then when we found out where we were just like...."oh...." haha. He accepted anyways because, yeah, it's a full time job with benefits. But if they make us go to like Lawton or Tulsa....oh boy will I be mad! Edmond wasn't bad to live in, I just LOVE LOVE LOVE it out here in the Carolinas (heck, even Georgia!). And I'll miss the beach. Bobby's been applying to other jobs as well, so we'll see if we even end up with TFA. Where ever we are meant to go, that's where we'll go. *Sigh* Oklahoma, really??? Oh well. Happy Halloween, y'all!