I forgot to blog about this recently! Bobby got a certifited letter in the mail recently, and we had no clue what it was. When he picked it up from the post office, we saw it was from the Boy Scouts. Hmm, weird, but ok! It said that he had to IMMEDIATELY stop all contact with his troop because his background check did not clear. Um, what??? They sent us a list of things from his background check and I just could not stop laughing. Apparently there's another Bobby L Hall that has his same EXACT birthday in Georgia that's CURRENTLY SERVING A 15 YEAR SENTENCE for a bunch of charges including: dealing cocaine (several counts), resisting arrest, using cocaine, etc. And they think this is MY Bobby.
Yes, take as long as you want to laugh, We did.
And the funny thing is that THEIR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS ARE NOT A MATCH!!! WHAT THE HECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So he called Sister Maynes to tell her, and now he does have to stop contact with the cub scouts until this gets cleared up. He called them and everything, but there's a ton of red tape to walk through, obviously, which, yes there should be, but seriously. In an LDS troop...we should not have any problems because in our church, you can only hold these calling if you're in good standing with the church, a good person, etc. Oh my goodness what a mess.
Well, he's had Sister Maynes and others taking over his kids for now while Bobby still keeps track of their badges and work at home, but she said that they're doing a theatre badge and asked if I would be willing to do that lesson for them, and of course I did! It was so much fun. They're good boys. I can't wait until Cam is in scouts. A few weeks ago I went in and we talked about stage directions and then made up our own improvised play on the spot! Oh yeah! It was good too, it took place in a classroom and there was a Genie. It was about Choosing the right. They called it "Thus Sayith The Genie, Chooseth The Right"! Super cute! I typed it up at home and the more recent weeks lately, I worked with them making puppets and set design for the play. They were going to stage it for the other boys/their parents if they were there. They got really into it, which excited it. I loved seeing the creativity flow out of them. Enough of my babbling, here's my pics of their hard work! I'm so thankful I had this opportunity to do this! I miss theatre!
The Genie, with moving arms!
The classroom background
The Principal!
The Principal's office
Bob, one of the students
The good student!
******************************************EDITED A YEAR LATER***************************************
Ok, so this all ended up sour, his boy scout thing. He provided the proof that he wasn't this jailed man and he even went to the NC boy scout's office with Sister Maynes to speak to the head guy in person and get this...be prepared to laugh again.
Let me set the scene. They show up all nice and DRESSED UP, and Bobby is of course super clean cut nice guy with equally as nice Sister Maynes and....
THE GUY DOES NOT BELIEVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He seriously looked MY HUSBAND, MY BOBBY, in the eyes and basically said he still believes that he is this druggie dude. I don't know if I've even laughed so hard in my life, my poor baby. It was sad because he really loved his calling, but with all of the drama, they had to take him out of it and he was put as Young Men's Secretary, which he had fun with as well. Such a crazy situation. I still can't believe it!
Teaching Theatre To Cub Scouts For My Incarcerated Druggie Husband
Posted by
Chez Erikobby
on Thursday, October 31, 2013
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