Play Group And Pedicures!

I am SO thankful for winter to be over, even though this was the best winter in my life, despite that whole power loss fiasco. Why are we leaving Wilmington again?? Anyway, this week has been pretty fun! Bobby's still working, nothing new there. I've been taking Bianca to her Little Gym classes, nothing new there. Cam is just Cam. Here's my silly girl all ready for bed lol.

This is the cutest video. We were watching Dora and there was a duck on there. All of a sudden Cameron started saying "quack". Watch it's hilarious (and of course Bianca's there trying to steal his spotlight LOL)

On Friday, a bunch of people were hanging out at the park, so we let daddy study and I took the kids to the park myself. Bianca had fun following around all of the bigger kids and Cameron just like to sit at the bottom of the slide and play with the wood chips. Oh, buddy, you're so silly!!

Bianca performing a song from the Little Mermaid.

Cam does a new thing now when he eats something he loves. We found out he really really likes rice. I can't explain the sound he makes when he eats it, so watch and laugh along with me. 

What Bianca thinks a basketball player looks like (can you tell we're not sports people, haha)

On Saturday, Jackie, Pam, Anna, Mandi, and I went to get pedicures! It was my first one haha. It was a lot of fun and nice to have some good girl time. :) I wanted them to put little baby feet on my toes like what Emily had once, but they said they didn't know how?? I just don't think they understood me lol. I just let them make a cute design of their choice instead and it came out pretty so whatever. It was so much fun and so nice. Those girls are awesome! After that was Women's conference, so it was a nice girly day for me!

Bianca the Gymnast/Dancer Part Deux

Another fun email from The Little Gym! They ROCK!!!!!!!!

Another Victory for
Hi Erika!
Bianca is making incredible progress this Season - boosting brainpower, strengthening new skills and expanding confidence!

Bianca's Jazzy Bugs/Giggle Toes class just completed the Learning Unit for weeks 5 through 7. During A Base for Grace, Bianca tried new feats and gained new skills in the following areas:

Brush Step (Tap)
Walks forward with a small kick of the leg
Arabesque (Ballet)
Balances on one foot with other leg extending behind
Chassé (Ballet)
Step and slide, body facing sideways, with arms out to the side

Learning Opportunities:
We enhanced your child's awareness of their bodies - even the functions of different muscle groups. We helped them understand the body positions and mechanics in dance and the movement qualities that contribute to grace and control

A note from Bianca's instructor:

Bianca is such a pleasure to have in class! She is so kind-hearted and loves to try new ballet skills with a smile. Her tap has been progessing excellently as well! I can't wait to see how much further she'll progress as the season goes on! Thank you,
Miss Freddi

Go Team Nelson!

We had another soccer game yesterday PLUS pictures. Man, it was WAY to early to be awake that day. We had a 9am game, which meant pictures were before that, yuck! But it all worked out. The pics are going to be sooo cute! I can't wait to get them in! The kids played about the same, except Clark scored a goal, yay Clark! But we still lost. Horribly haha. Our kids are so little though and everyone elses teams are like a whole year ahead of them it seems. We may be the underdogs here, but Bianca doesn't mind. She just comes for the super snacks at the end of the game LOL!! Here's pics and vids from her game.

   Anna gave us a cute hat for Cam. Unfortunately he hates it lol But he looks so cute in it!!

                                        Zoe LOVES playing with Cam...Cam likes it most of the time ;)

We shall leave you with a Sunday Selfie ;)

March Maddness

Our time here is going by so fast!! :( Nothing out of the norm going on. Just another random week in our silly lives.

Of course we all wore green for St. Patrick's Day (except Daddy cause he has to wear a blue B&GC shirt to work).

SIlly Cam...

Silly Bianca being creative at dinner...

Bianca's dancing class (where she hid for hide and seek LOL)...

Cameron can say water now...and he knows what it means because he brings his cup to me!! You will see my many attempts to get him to say it on camera haha.  Love that boy!!


I told them to smile and this is what they do...

And last, but not least, here's Cameron enjoying playing with Bianca's kitchen set. I swear, he likes it more than her. He especially enjoys slamming the doors on it and throwing the food everywhere. And chewing up any of the play food that isn't plastic (which has all since been put away, the ones we could salvage anyways).

Bianca's First Soccer Game!

Yesterday was Bianca's first soccer game! We got a bit lost trying to get to the field, but we made it in time, luckily. It was so cute! Bianca got to start, which I was surprised about. She had fun running around out there. She's still scared of the ball and doesn't want to kick it away from other people, but other than that, it was great! Seems like we have all the youngest kids on our team because the other team seemed a lot older than our kids. Eh. They were all having fun,that's what counts, right? Needless to say, we lost, but there's other games. No one really cared. All the kids cared about were the snacks they were getting after the game, LOL!! Here's pic and vid overload from her game (they're so stinking cute running around out there!!!) Oh, and ignore any of our shouting in our videos LOL.


After the game, we grabbed some Carl's Jr. for a special breakfast treat, which everyone enjoyed! And when we got home, Bianca decided it was time to change into a princess again. haha  We love that silly girl of ours!


Caving In To Frozen, Fun At The Little Gym, and Under The Dome Again!

We have had quite the busy week! Bianca has been having a blast at The Little Gym! She's even doing forward rolls by herself! So proud!

I also caved in this weekend and too Bianca to her second movie, "Frozen." It was a fun girls day out! We got a popcorn to share and enjoyed the movie! It was a cute movie, I think the 90's Disney movies are better, but it was fun. Bianca loved eating her popcorn and dancing to the songs. She got a little bored toward the end, but she did really well and had a fun day out with Mommy! Love that gir!

 On Sunday the weather was beautiful again, so we went to the park! The kids had a lot of fun, especially Cameron who just crawls and walks around every where now, even going down the slides! 

We went to the park AGAIN on Monday (can you tell we missed the nice weather this winter?) haha. 

Tuesday was soccer practice. Man those kids are cute. I'm not sure many of them understand the game, but they're having fun, that's all that matters. Clark get it pretty well though, go Clark!

                      She HAS to change into a Princess dress after soccer LOL!!!

Here's some videos from Bianca's dancing class on Thursday! Too cute! We <3 TLG Wilmington (and Bianca especially loves Miss Freddie!). She got the back roll right away! Miss Freddie couldn't believe it!!! GO BIANCA!!!

Here's Cam doing some light reading...

On Friday I was able to be an extra on Under the Dome again, YAY! We had to find a babysitter for the kids, which I was worried about, but Sarah said she could do it, yay! She's awesome! I had to rent a stupid car because Bobby needed to go to work, obviously, and I GOT A RED BEETLE TO DRIVE, YAY!!!!! It was fun haha. I woke up early that morning and set off for Burgaw again. It's basically continuing the last scene from last season, which is why they wanted all the extras that were there back again. It was a lot different this time around though. We were sweating last time, and this time it was FREEZING!! When I got there, they had breakfast for us. I sat there and read my book for a long time before they called us to go outside (as is the life of an extra, aka the life of waiting around). They let us bring our jackets, thankfully, we just had to put them off camera when we were filming. The scene was fun. We all pretty much had to collaspe. Luckily I didn't have to (until the end when I just gracefully got down because of a certain reason...). We did that scene a lot and then they split some of us up to get different camera angles. Once I was checking on people and once I was down. It was all fun though. Finally we got some lunch, and then they called a certain group of us to go back out and lay down. Not me though, so I sat and read again, haha. They let us go when it was starting to get dark and only called back the people in the second scene to come back tomorrow. I was happy not to go back tomorrow though, because it's Bianca's first soccer game! I wouldn't miss that for the world! I'm glad I got to do this though. It'll probably be my last extra experience for a while (unless someone wants to go film in Oklahoma). I returned the Beetle and Bobby and kids came to pick me up. The kids were great for Sarah, thank goodness!! All in all it was a lot of fun and I'm so grateful to be able to do this kind of stuff!