Play Group And Pedicures!

I am SO thankful for winter to be over, even though this was the best winter in my life, despite that whole power loss fiasco. Why are we leaving Wilmington again?? Anyway, this week has been pretty fun! Bobby's still working, nothing new there. I've been taking Bianca to her Little Gym classes, nothing new there. Cam is just Cam. Here's my silly girl all ready for bed lol.

This is the cutest video. We were watching Dora and there was a duck on there. All of a sudden Cameron started saying "quack". Watch it's hilarious (and of course Bianca's there trying to steal his spotlight LOL)

On Friday, a bunch of people were hanging out at the park, so we let daddy study and I took the kids to the park myself. Bianca had fun following around all of the bigger kids and Cameron just like to sit at the bottom of the slide and play with the wood chips. Oh, buddy, you're so silly!!

Bianca performing a song from the Little Mermaid.

Cam does a new thing now when he eats something he loves. We found out he really really likes rice. I can't explain the sound he makes when he eats it, so watch and laugh along with me. 

What Bianca thinks a basketball player looks like (can you tell we're not sports people, haha)

On Saturday, Jackie, Pam, Anna, Mandi, and I went to get pedicures! It was my first one haha. It was a lot of fun and nice to have some good girl time. :) I wanted them to put little baby feet on my toes like what Emily had once, but they said they didn't know how?? I just don't think they understood me lol. I just let them make a cute design of their choice instead and it came out pretty so whatever. It was so much fun and so nice. Those girls are awesome! After that was Women's conference, so it was a nice girly day for me!