Baby Shower And Life Before Micah

I am huge. I am uncomfortable. I want to hold baby Micah. Bobby is at an all day meeting. I took 2 kids to dance class. I want to sleep. Blah. Alrighty, enough with that. Here's our happenings up until today, our due date.

On the 1st of September we had a ward picnic, which was fun! Kids ran around and I met my VT companion! I was a bit hot and I am so huge I hate waddling around places, but all in all, it was nice. Maybe we will like this ward after all, haha. Kidding.

Random stuffs:

                                          He loves sissy's Frozen book!

      Cameron saying his numbers! He was whispering by the end, lol! He is just so smart!!!

                                       Found his shadow!!

On the 5th I had my lovely baby shower! Oh, it was so so so nice! My VT are so sweet! Trisha hosted it at her house and because of Rebecca Harper, who got a bunch of people to pool in together, we got our pack and play! And it's green and blue, our colors!! And the mobile has stars on it, like how we sing Twinkle to the kids every night! HOW PERFECT! OK Micah, you can come now, you have a car to ride home in AND a place to sleep (and lots of snuggles waiting you from all of us!). Haylee, my VT companion came, and then Bethany Call. Tae Huckle came later and it was just nice. We ate yummy food and then played Head's Up. SO STINKIN' FUN!!! These girls are so sweet. Since Rebecca is gluten free, Bethany made a gluten free chocolate cake, and it was seriously one of the best chocolate cakes I have ever eaten. And it was the cutest thing! I had so much fun and I'm so thankful for these sweet ladies!

                             this is what happens when daddy's in charge for a night, lol!!!

More random stuffs:

                                   They love to read...even if it is...Caillou.
   This is how she memorized the 10th article of faith, perfectly might I add! She got a bit shy saying it in front of everyone in Primary, but she still did super well!! So proud of you, Bianca!!!

                                                HE IS SMILING!!! I LOVE MICAH ALREADY!!!

I got a free coupon in the mail to try a burger at SmashBurger, so Cameron was my date. Love that boy! <333

                                                     How he sits in carriages now...

And this is from today at dance class, by myself. I feel tired just looking back on these pics.

We are off to get spicy food when Bobby gets back to get this boy out of me. Doesn't he realize that this is my due date and that means he's due to come out today? hehe