Chicka Chicka Boom Boom: Cameron is TWO!!

We had Cameron's party today and it was awesome! We invited all of his friends from nursery, and 4 friends (and one of their siblings that was Bianca's age) came, yay! I spent the morning fixing up the cake and food, as usual, and have discovered that I like later parties for that reason alone, more time to prep the food, lol!!! But it all worked out. We anxiously awaited our friends' arrival by the door. Cam loves hanging out by the door, prob because he's secretly plotting his escape, haha!

Not impressed with my tree. ;)

A couple of Cam's friends, Jane and Amelia, came and we did some bubbles, and then, since their 2, set them loose to play. We had some Chicka Chicka Boom Boom trees on the table to decorate, so some of the kids did that. Malia was Cam's next friend to come. Bianca had fun showing all the little girls her toys and showing off how awesome of a color-er she is at age 4, haha. Then Logan and Sienna came! It was a fun, chill party overall.

The story behind this picture is HILARIOUS!!! So I noticed that Cameron's door was shut all of a sudden, so I decide to open it. I find Cameron and Malia alone, on his BED, reading books together. Thank goodness they're 2, because at almost any other age this would NOT be considered "cute," if you know what I mean, hehe. 

My cake! It was so fun to make, even the homemade fondant for the letters and number!!! I think Cam's fave part was the cake, he loved it! So did everyone I think. I'm just thankful I made my checkerboard cake idea work!

Cool, no?

Micah slept for a bit!

We were so busy that we didn't have time to open present with everyone there, so we did it after. Everyone was so sweet to come out and celebrate our Cameron!

 The decorations:

The party wore Micah out because he fell asleep on me like this afterward:

(check out all the fun stuff we had to grade this weekend, lol)

Check out my AWESOME Chicka Chick Boom Boom Tree!!!

She went a BIT overboard with the stickers...and her hair. :-P

Even though you won't remember it at all, we hope you had such a fun party, Mr. Cameron! You are very much loved!