New Years Lists 2014

Bobby's List:

Loved about 2014
1. Micah Christian Hall and his surprise smiles!
2. Getting a REAL job!
3. Family time, especially before we moved out to OK. 
4. Lots of beach time before we left NC. 
5. Seeing Erika grow to be an even greater mother as Micah was added 
6. Seeing Bianca go to such an amazing preschool at The Goddard School. 
7. Cameron entering the nursery!
8. All of Bianca's activities that she was involved in. 
9. Having TONS of family time in Wilmington, while working few hours. 
10. Our travels to Toronto and across the states. 

Looking forward to in 2015
1. More family time as the summer draws near! 
2. My first year of teaching ending, and being halfway done with TFA. 
3. Our summer travels northward!
4. Not having to do so much for work next year. 
5. Bianca entering pre-K at Jenks West. 
6. Seeing Cameron grow from a baby to a boy. 
7. Seeing Bianca dance and be involved in activities this summer. 
8. Seeing all of our children, even Micah, grow in the Gospel. 
9. More alone time with Erika <3
10. Our trip to RI. 

Erika's Lists:


1. The addition of Micah Christian to our sweet little family <3 <3 <3
3. Bianca and all of her fun stuff she got to do, such as soccer games, gymnastics, dance, and theatre camps!
4. Going to Savannah for my birthday, yall!
5. Micah's first christmas!
6. Going on a date with my love on his birthday!!!
7. Dressing all 3 kiddos up as Frozen characters for Halloween!
8. All of the times we got to go the beach while still in NC
9. Hot Springs Arkansas being super cool and not super lame as I thought ;)
10. Celebrating Cameron's 1st birthday! Love that boy! And Bianca's birthday party with Elsa!

2. Going to RI for a full week and eating lots of Dels and fish and chips and clam cakes ;)
3. Micah's first birthday!!!
4.Spending more time together as a family this summer <3
5. Being more healthy in this upcoming year
6. Bianca going into Pre-K!!!
7. Seeing Cameron grow big and start talking more
8. Turning the big 3-0 (ahhh!)
9. Maybe going somewhere for spring break, and if not then just simply looking forward to spring break in general
10. Doing something fun next winter break hopefuly

Bianca's Lists:

1. I got a little brother
2. Play at school
3. Being kind to your family is fun
4. Playing with my friends at my birthday party

1.Sea shells at the beach.
2. I'm going to go to Jenks West
3. Meet new friends.
4. Playing hide and seek wit my brothers