Micah's First Christmas And New Years: 2014

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!! It's been a nice but uneventful Christmas, but it was just what we needed!! So far this winter break, both Bobby and I took turns getting Strep Throat, yuck, and it snowed, but we all survived! At least no one was sick ON Christmas (me before, Bobby after).

And Bianca gave her first talk in Primary!!! Here's what she came up with:

We need to remember Jesus every day. I remember Jesus by being kind to my family. I can share with my brothers and take care of them, and I can do what my mommy and daddy tell me to do. And we can remember Jesus whenever we say a prayer. I say a prayer every night after we read the scriptures and before I brush my teeth and go to bed. We can remember Jesus by going to church on Sundays. At church we sing songs about Jesus and take the Sacrament to remember Him. Jesus is the Son of God and our Savior. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 


We took it fairly easy on Christmas Eve. At night time we went for a drive to see Christmas lights that we really didn't have time to do so far this year. It was a lot of fun! I found some houses online with cool lights and music, so it was a lot of fun. We went to Chandler Park first and drove through there. Then to some other houses around Tulsa (even heard Hanson on the radio, haha). Minus having to stop for Bianca to pee once, we had lots of fun!!

OUR HOUSE (first time putting lights outside, woo hoo!)

When we got home, the kids opened ONE little present (cookies and books), and then we read Twas The Night Before Christmas, as usual. :)

Ready for Christmas morning!


The kids did pretty well in not waking up TOO early to open presents, yay! Bianca was so excited to see her easel when she woke up. She was like "how did Santa know I love to draw???" Cam got a cool ball to throw around and Micah got Cody the Cub!

Next we did stockings!

Then present time! Cam had a bit of a fever and wasn't too interested in opening up gifts, but he was sure glad to see them when they were opened! Bianca was a great big helper to her brothers.

 For dinner I made mini pot pies and a pumpkin roll, yum! Even Bianca liked them!

We just spent the rest of the time playing and hanging out with each other. It was such a nice Christmas. At night we sat together and gave Jesus our present to him (we write down something we can concentrate on doing for the next year and put it into His stocking as a gift to Him).

 (my mom thought it would be funny to put the dog on the computer, so I took these 2 pics for her)


Well, it snowed and like I said earlier, Bobby got sick. Yuck. But it was a relaxing winter break at least. We mostly stayed home, but it was good. Here's some cute Micah pics and  fun snow pics!

On New Years we were able to put ALL of the kids down and have some time alone to watch the ball drop. I made some guacamole and we drank sparking cider. We're hardcore, I know. :)