It's Beginning to FEEL A Lot Like Christmas

I don't know why, but I am so excited this year for our Christmas as a family of 5! It's always the best to add a new baby to the mix around the holidays, even though they don't really enjoy it and you get like NO sleep. But I'm still excited! I've tried to stay on top of shopping (3 kids to buy for is tough, esp since by kid number 2, the littler ones have everything they need/could want) and Christmas card pics, which turned out super cute actually! Here's some cute pics AND our Christmas card pic!!!

MICAH IS WAAAYYY TOO CUTE, HOLY MOLEY!!!!!! And look, he's starting to get SOME pudge on him, our little doll of a boy!



It was funny, I got a lot of "ooh there's 6 stockings, is this some kind of announcement?" comments. AND NO! It's Jesus's stocking, duh! ;-P

One night while Bobby was at a TFA meeting, I tried to get some more cute Christmas pics of the kids, and man, it was hard! Esp with Mr.Cam-er-on-i!!! Silly boy! Got some cute ones though! Speaking of Cam, he's been so cute lately. I forgot to mention that around 11/18, he gave me kisses. Like grabbed my face and gave me kisses. Oh so sweet! Then I had Micah on the couch, and Cam looked at him and said "hi" and gave him kisses!!!!!! *melts* He is so sweet! Then Micah licked his face, LOL!!! Love these sweet boys! They sure do love each other!

Then we just had the BEST time playing altogether on the floor. Not doing much. Just like hiding behind pillows and rolling around and snuggling. But we all just laughed and laughed and laughed. These kids are amazing! <3

Saturday was the ward party! It was fun! It was a talent show, which was neat. And all the kids got up and sang "Let It Go" like they did in Wilmington. And just like in Wilmington, Bianca the nice got pushed to the back because she wasn't aggressive enough to stay in the front, haha. Couldn't see her at all, but she said she had fun singing it! And Cameron ate his first chocolate there, hahaha!