Easter 2015

This year Easter falls on General Conference Weekend, so we have church from home this week! We did a lot of fun stuff to celebrate our Savior's Resurrection this weekend though. This week started off with a cute photo shoot I did with the boys and my new red lipstick for my show, he he he!

the winning photo :-D

We also went to go see the Easter Bunny at the mall, since we hadn't done that yet. Oops!


On Saturday, we went to a local church's Easter egg hunt. It was huge!!! We ran into our bishop and his family there, haha! The kids had fun. Cam got mad at first, but then realized there was stuff inside of the eggs, so he calmed down when we gave him the candy.

Then we went home and had our own Easter egg hunt in the backyard in between watching General Conference. 


Easter Baskets:

On Easter morning, we decided to go to Victory Church's Easter play, so we woke up early to get ready.

don't think he liked the hat...

It's a pretty cool auditorium actually. We decided to keep the kids with us because Bianca will pay attention, Cam likes music (assuming there will be music), and I can just BF Micah if need be. Well we made it through a good half of the show when Cam realized that there was no music to entertain him and he got bored of having crackers shoved down his throat in an attempt to keep him quiet lol. Micah got cranky, but daddy rocked him in the magical way he does, and he actually fell asleep. I decided then to take Cam to the nursery. It was really cool actually and he had a lot of fun.

Took some family pics when we got home:

(yes I bribed them with Peeps. Didn't work apparently LOL)

What a great Easter weekend filled with great GC talks, family time, and remembering what Easter is truly about.

No Cameron, not water. JESUS!!! :-P