Luckily Bianca had the earliest performance on Saturday, so the boys could come and it wouldn't interfere with nap time, so we all got up early and got ready. She was excited to wear some stage make up! She was way too cute :)
What a little doll! Or princess shall I say? So we all went and I dropped her off upstairs and we found our seats. Unfortulately Bianca was going on in the middle and then toward the end, so it the boys occupied for that long. Cameron was great! He'd let out a few squeals, but other than that, he loved watching the lights and music! Micah....yeah no. He was OK until after her first performance, but then I had to get up and leave with him. I tried bf him there, but that didn't even work, oh well! So we caught her second performance from the back, but still saw it so yay! And oh boy did Bianca shine!!! She did so wonderful and we were so proud of her!!!!!!
Here she is getting her trophy (that we had to pay for LOL)
with her assistant teacher,
When we got home, we got ready and went to explore Mayfest as a family, since it IS our 10 year anniversary of meeting there. <3 We ate lunch (fattening fair junk, bleh) and walked around. It was hot out, just like how we remembered it, right honey? ;) It was fun though. We got fried pickles and some ice cream for the kids (NOT Micah, sorry buddy) to split. Bianca got to color a bear. Bobby and I even posed for a recreated picture from the Hanson concert where we met, haha! It was fun!
10 years later and he STILL puts his hand over my face, LOL!!
Happy 10 years of meeting (well ALMOST to the date anyway), my love! <3 Here's to a zillion more!!!
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