End of November/December 2018

Here's what we've been up to this month!

So my poor para. She just keeps falling asleep in class. I feel so bad for her, but we need more help. Hopefully she will get better soon. 

 I am starting my drama club up this year! Starting with a winter show, woohoo! Look at what this girl wrote. I am SO stinking excited for this!!!


We went to our annual ORU Christmas concert and carnival thing. We had a lot of fun!

Her dance recital. They had it outside on a Saturday morning this year, so weird. I had to leave my TFA thing early to see it, but I didn't care. It was so chilly out though, burrr! It was just Bianca, her BFF Chloe, and another girl that came (they have a small class anyway).

We left right from there and went to her Nutcracker performance! This year she is a soldier and had so much fun!

Random picture time:

haha a question on the MAP testing

Gannon and Seneca are 2 goofballs!

She broke her frames, so while they ordered her new ones, she got to borrow these purple ones. I think they look great on her!

I sent out an email asking if anyone had any Santa clothes, reindeer antlers, or Elf hats for our play, and someone from church brought these to our door, rang the doorbell, and ran off! How sweet is that?!?!?! Thank you, anonymous person!

yes, he is the one with the red thing on his head
 We got to go to the Autism Tulsa support group Christmas party, which was super fun!

always with the beard, lol!

They are starting to potty train him at ABA, woohoo!!!!!

Our girl scouts Christmas party! We cooked a lot of different things and ate them. Earned the cooking badge and partied, win win!

One of my drama club kids, Nathan, gave me a present for Christmas...

PENCILS, YEAAAHHH!! Haha, very thoughtful. Although I'm wondering where he found these lol

Micah did not want to sing LOL. He was the first one out of there!

 Rehearsals for my show: