Spring Break 2011!

AHH! I am SO far behind in updating everything! Life with a youngin and a husband who spends his time writing papers leaves very little time for the updating of the blog. I will now  describe our lovely spring break adventures!

First part of the trip we went to Stowe, VT! The drive wasn't TOO horrible. We stopped a few times because Bianca was hungry/had to be changed, but it wasn't too bad. When we got to our hotel we checked in and went to eat at the pizza place across the street, which was good. We just hung out that night and planned what we wanted to do the next couple of days.

Here's Bianca and our pretty drive:


Our hotel


HUGE tub!

sleepy girl at the restaurant

The next morning we ate Mexican bagels at this yummy bagel place and went off to Morse's Sugaring Farm, which makes maple syrup, yum! We drove through Montpelier and saw the state capital before we got there. Then we parked in the mud at the sugaring place and watched them make the syrup and then explored the store. They had a special that weekend. They were selling sugar on snow, which is pretty much what the title says. Maple sugar syrup on top of snow. It freezes and gets hard/sticky, and you eat it and it was pretty much fabulous. Of course we bought some maple syrup there. Oooh and who could forget their maple creamies - soft serve maple ice cream AHHH! TO DIE FOR! That was so much fun!

Then we had some spare time so we drove a half hour away to the Cabot Cheese factory! Bianca went on her first tour there! We got to sample their cheese and it was neat to see it get made. It was worth the like 2 bucks a person I suppose.

cheese sampling

Next on our agenda was stopping at this cider mill place, which wasn't spectacular at all. The cider was good. That was about it. Here's some pics to make up for lack of interestingness here.

Then we ate some crappy mexican food, splish splashed in the huge tub in our room and that day was over! The next day we reserved to go to the Joseph Smith Memorial site, which was the whole reason why we went to VT. We ate at our hotel at their jazz brunch, which was cool, and off to see the JS site we went!

this apparently is an English breakfast...

Bianca was a bit fussy while we were there. She was sick of being in the car so much. We walked around the visitors center and watched a movie and then explored around the memorial, which was awesome!

We drove around Stowe that afternoon looking at all the mountains and ate at some random diner place that was pretty good.

The next morning it was snowing like CRAZY!!! We decided to forgo the chocolates place we wanted to go to and zipped off to the Ben and Jerry's factory, which was actually on our way home anyways. It was a pretty good tour. You watch a movie, eat some ice cream (mmm peppermint!), and watch how they make the ice cream. I like how all the tours around there are cheap, like $1-3 a piece.

(note: we did NOT give her ice cream. This is a set up picture because my mother told me to give her a taste, so I just pretended to in this pic)

Then we ran off and into the snow we went! It actually got so bad on the highway that we had to get off and go into a random town. We were going to stay the night if the snow kept up, so we stopped at a little Chinese place and ate lunch.


one of my new fave pics of her <3

An hour-ish later the snow stopped so we were able to drive home. It was still semi-crappy, but at least the roads looked better. We drove for forever. It was supposed to take 6 hours. Turned into 9 with the snow and little miss screamy pants (but we love her).

We rested for a couple of days at home and then started our journey to NYC baby! Here's a cute Bianca interlude before we begin NYC fun. ;)

Since neither of us wanted to drive IN the city, we drove to Poughkeepsie, NY, where there was a train that went into the city. Can you believe Bianca slept the ENTIRE 3.5 hour drive?!?! Yes, it certainly was a miracle because we were able to make our early train we wanted to.Bianca was good on the train, I think she liked it! I had to feed her on there, which was a bit awkward since there was like a collage-aged dude across from us, but whatever. At least my nursing cover was starting to come in handy I suppose.

Grand Central Station

We get to NYC and walk to our hotel, which wasn't too far away luckily. Then we wandered around looking for Chevys for some decent (yet EXPENSIVE) mexican food. All the staff loved Bianca, especially this one drunken lady. It was...amusing. Our waiter even wiped some drool off of Bianca. Guess he was really working for those tips haha!

Our first real stop was the Empire State Building, which should have taken us like 2 hours max to go through. Yeah, we were there for 4 hours, mostly because Bianca was hungry and needed changed twice. She was pretty cranky. She did NOT like the Empire State Building. We were THOSE parents, with a screaming child. Oh well! Sorry guys! It was neat though.I'm glad we got to go. We almost got killed up top of it though. There was this HUGE chunk of ice floating down (weird but yes, FLOATING) from the way top of the building. It was going so slow you didn't know where it was going to land! Bobby ran with Bianca. I ran the opposite way praying no one would get hurt. And where did it land? Right next to her stroller that we abandoned! Ahh! Scary! Anyways, then Bobby and I took turns going on the ride thing they had there, which was cool.

This was pretty much our NYC experience with her

enjoying the views from the inside

On our way to our hotel, we found a cute cupcake place, and of course I cannot resist cupcakes. They were pretty good. We rested for a while and at night time we took Bianca to Times Square (which was right out our door). She LOVED all the lights everywhere! We went to Toys R Us and rode the big Ferris Wheel with her. She liked it actually! Then she got tired/cranky so we retired for the night.


The next day we ate at Juniors. It was pretty good! Then we thought we'd go to the UN. After a long walk with a cranky little girl, we found out no kids on the tours there. We left saddened.

 Then we walked forever to get to Central Park. We stopped and fed her there and she felt better, so we rewarded her with a horse and carriage ride! I picked the prettiest one, of course, and off we went! It was fun actually. We tried to see how she'd react to the horse, but she was more interested in the yellow taxis driving around, haha!

she slept well once in Central Park...

Then we decided to be smart and ride the (gross) subway. We wanted to see the Manhattan Temple, which was neat.

 Bianca didn't mind the subway. She only cried (of course) when there was a creepy bum on there who, as soon and she started to cry came over and stood next to us. Ew. For dinner we ate CHIPOTLE!!! woohoo!!! And had custard for dessert.

plotting our demise for taking her here...

So I have the best husband ever because since we were literally right across the street from it, he bought me a ticket to go see American Idiot (I've been wanting to see it ever since Green Day announced they wanted to turn that album into a musical), since it was closing soon. Aw! It was sad going to see a play without him, but I'm very grateful I got to go! It was pretty good. I've seen better. I've seen worse. At least the music was good haha. And Justin Guarini was in it, yes, from American Idol season 1, haha! I was sad becuase the lead singer of AFI was supposed to play St. Jimmy, but noooo, it was another dude that night. Boo! Still good though. Had a better time than Bobby and Bianca....

Bobbys night with his daughter, in his words:  "Oh the horror! Oh the insanity! She screamed pretty much the entire time. The only thing that stopped her from screaming was to give her a bath, and even then she didn't stop screaming till about 20 minutes into the bath. I then decided to give her a bath that was 45 minutes long just to get her to be quiet. Luckily, my sweetheart of a wife came back to the hotel within minutes of finishing the bath. What a night! Would I do that again? For Erika, I'd do anything."

pics out our hotel window

We left the next day after hanging around the city. We went to eat at Peanut Butter Co, which was yummy! I had a maple peanut butter and BACON sandwich (um, YUM!) and we had white chocolate peanut butter hot chocolate. I did not want peanut butter for a while after that...

Then we went to see Ground Zero. Hung around there for a while and left when Little B was gettin cranky.

We got on our train to our car and took the long 3.5 hour drive home. Bianca now hates driving at night, which sucked for us, but we made it after stopping a few times for her.

she's cute when she sleeps...keyword WHEN!

Overall it was a good spring break...just don't EVER bring a 4 month old to NYC when she is not used to city life, that's my advice.

Bobby's last comments about the trip: We had the best of times in VT, and we had the worst of times in NYC...but overall I would call our first spring break with little Biancars a success. We definitely want to go back to VT someday, and would I go back to NYC? Not with 4-month old. A one-year old? Already in the works for next year!"