Goodbye Knoxville, Hello again Ithaca!

Our time in TN has went by wayyyy too fast. :( Luckily we didn't bring that much stuff, so packing wasn't bad (it was just shoving the clothes in the trunk and buckling in our old TV).  It was sad once the furniture people came and took away all of our furniture though. We never saw our apartment empty, so it made it all the more sad. Here is what our apartment looked like before and after furniture:

A view from the road

Our building

Go past the stairs and we're the last door on the left!

Our apt!

Living room

Door to the balcony

We got to decorate a little at least lol

Whole living room

View from balcony

our AWESOME kitchen!

Computer area



So sad :(

Our last night was spent eating at Abuelos one last time and shopping for a tent for Bianca to play in on the beach...Yes we are stopping at VA Beach on our way to Ithaca, hooray! We said our goodbyes that night and left as early as we could the next morning.

We made good time and went right in the water when we got there! Bianca absolutely LOVED it! She had so much fun splashing in the water with daddy! Then I took her to the tent, where she also had a lot of fun...eating the sand. Ohhh well. 

When Bobby was done getting thrown around by the waves, we went back and changed and went out to eat at this yummy Mexican place. We noticed that our storller was packed up in the car...underneath all of the clothes packed tightly in the trunk OF COURSE!!! I went to Walmart and got Bianca a cheap $15 stroller that we used this trip and worked pretty well. It was nice having a lighter weigh stroller actually. We went right to sleep that night when I got back since we were so tired.

(She was so tired she fell asleep at the table, haha!)

The next day we went to the beach to take her 9 month pictures! I can't believe our little baby girl is 9 months already! Holy crap! We swam a little and then noticed that I had gotten sand in the camera, UGH! Bye bye camera...Bobby says I'm the camera ruin-er. I have no comment. We got a disposable camera for the rest of the trip though.

We spent our beach time just relaxing. We walked around and ate some sno-cones, ice cream, ate at the same Mexican restaurant AGAIN (same waitress too haha!), went swimming, watched an outdoor show at night and had a blast! 

The next day was our last day there, sadly. Of course we swam, went shopping for candy/salt water taffy, ate at a different Mexican restaurant (getting our Mexican on before Ithaca, the land of no Mexican food), and got ready to leave. We left the next morning and returned to Ithaca...but we were not ready for what we discovered when we arrived at our apartment......................

TO BE CONTINUED...........