Well we certainly have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving! First of all, that our Cameron is OK! A while back I got a call from my doctor's office saying that something might be wrong with his heart...yeah that's all I heard when I stopped thinking/listening. WHAT?!?!?! Of course Bianca was sleeping and Bobby was at work so I just did not know what to do! But fast forward a bit, they just saw some white spots on his heart, called an EIF, and most of the time, it's nothing. And it could be a sign of down syndrome. BUT IT IS NOTHING!!! So so so thankful <3
We had one last ultrasound before we drove to Altus for Thanksgiving, and it was wonderful. Cameron is so silly. They switched it to 3D for a couple of minutes (just for us, how nice!) and he was chomping on the umbilical cord and licking my placenta. Ew! But it was cute to see. I can't believe he'll be here in (hopefully less than) two months!!! When we got to Altus, Bobby and I got whatever food we needed to I could cook dinner (I love traditional Thanksgiving Day food and I refuse to eat anything else on that day, haha). We had to drive to a couple of stores, but we got the stuff.
In the morning I started cooking. Bobby's mom had some meat and I made stuffing (boxed...I know I know, but I like the boxed crap), death potatoes, put out the cranberry sauce, and started making my pumpkin pie. So we had a yummy feast indeed!
It was sooo nice out that we decided to all take Bianca to the park to run around. I packed a cute thanksgiving dress with long sleeves, but the pictures below will demonstrate how wonderful it was outside that day!
Then we decided to go feed the ducks...but it was freezing by the lake, go figure. So we didn't spend a lot of time out there, but it was still fun. She's obsessed with feeding those ducks.
We got home in time for church on Sunday and then we put up the Christmas tree! I love this time of the year, minus the cold weather of course. ;) Bianca had so much fun decorating and listening to Christmas Music (Snowed In of course haha).
See? that's her cute Thanksgiving Day outfit in it's entirety!
After the tree was up and decorated, I made our traditional hot cocoa and Bobby decorated the rest of the apartment with the extra lights we have. Isn't it cool??
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