Stillwater Adventures, Parades, and More!!

Crossing things off of our OK bucket list, we went to Stillwater this weekend! We tried out The Mexican Joe's restaurant there, and it was good!! Then we went to the children's museum there, which was actually pretty cool! Bianca loved it, she didn't want to leave. I'm thankful we were able to go!!

 Lining all of the veggies up, of course

 Look how big I'm getting!!!

Bianca liked when the balls shot out of this!

 Bianca practicing for Baby Cameron!!!

 So tired, but I needed a cute pose before I left, right? ;)

We also went to Edmond's Christmas parade, which was fun! It was so cold out though! We got there super early so that we could actually get a parking spot, so we took advantage of this extra time to explore down town Edmond. We got some hot chocolate and walked around. Bianca as usual does not mind the cold and had a good old time.
 She HAD to pet the pig...

 "Fat guy in a little coattttt..."

We ended up staying near our car for the parade, which made life easier for us. It was an ok parade, trucks, firetrucks, and cars all dressed up with tons of lights. Santa came on the fire truck on the end. It was fun. Bianca liked it. She thought the lights were really cool! She was even given a candy cane!

 Our wonderful friends the May's were able to watch Bianca Friday night so that Bobby and I could go and be Mary and Joseph! Yay! I love doing this stuff! We stayed and did our thing. There was a cute little girl who thought we were real, and it was so magical, I loved it. Such a cute experience.

I really wish Bianca could have went and seen us as "Daddy Jossess" and "Mommy Mary", but that's alright. We took her the next night and it was so much fun. But that's a different post. ;) I shall leave you with one of the pics from our last ultrasounds on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Isn't he cute???? Can't wait to meet you sweet boy (and pinch those cute little cheeks, haha)!