Independence Day 2013: Wilmington Style

For the 4th of July this year, we just stayed close to home. First, we had some exciting per-Indepencence Day happenings. Cameron learned to give kisses, which is beyond adorable!!! Then I was cutting up a grapple (which was disappointing to learn is just an apple soaked in grape juice, I thought there was a cooler explanation than that) for breakfast when my silly plastic handled apple cutter BROKE...AND STABBED ME IN THE HAND!!! I had to go to the urgent care place nearby and get stitches. I shall never eat a grapple again.

On the 4th of July, our ward had a breakfast (way too) early that morning, but it was nice to go to! Bianca had the most fun running around with the kids. Then we hung out until later, when we traveled downtown for the fireworks!! We thought that we were smart by parking up high in a garage, because obviously we'd be able to get right out, right? Answer shall come later. So we walked around, grabbed a cupcake, then went to one of the food trucks to get some dinner. Yeah. It took us an hour to get overly priced hotdogs and nachos. It's not like the line had THAT many people either. Meh. We survived and ate. We decided to find a spot to sit on a hill where tons of people were sitting, which seemed like a great spot.

And it was, for a while. Then when the fireworks started, there were building in our way!! Everyone around us got up and started moving, including us, which was annoying with 2 little ones. But we went to a really good spot and didn't miss much. Cameron loved these fireworks, but fell asleep by the end of them (LOL only our kid...). 

Getting home was crazy, even though we live like 10 minutes away. Apparently our logic did not work here because everyone below us was being nice and letting everyone else go. Guess we don't live in NY anymore. It took us over an hour to get home, nevermind get out of the garage with screaming baby in the backseat. But it was fun overall!

The next day we forgot about our popper things, so we went out that night and popped them. Bianca wasn't sure about them at first, but then she got the hang of it. The video is super dark, but you can see the light from her popper toward the end. Happy 4th of July, yall!