Potty Training, Rolling Over, and Movie Stars

Some exciting things are going down in the Hall household! Since we chose Gateway Academy for Bianca to attend this fall, we figured we need to start potty training her ASAP (they help with that too, which is great). So far she's doing alright. Bobby's job was a blessing, because since he's gone for a few hours a couple days a week, we're not tempted to always be out and about beach bummin' it. Since we're home more now, that means potty training time! At first Bianca didn't care about having wet underwear. Then we took the underwear off and let her go around bottomless. Well when she had an accident on the floor, she cared! Scared the crap out of her. Now she pees in the toilet pretty regularly, woohoo! She can poop too, but we're working up to that. She gets one Skittle when she goes, and she could not be more excited for her treat (those are her favorite candy). And here is how she eats said Skittle LOL

Second big thing that's been happening is CAMERON IS ROLLING OVER NOW!!! He finally got this whole gravity thing all figured out. :) He's too cute when we does it, watch!

 And the third most exciting moment we have going on here is that our movie, The Perfect Summer, premeired on the UP channel! AND WE WERE IN IT!!! Not many of us extras that day could be seen, but we could, that's how awesome we are, haha, or just how lucky that they decided to use that specific clip. ;)

Here's the actual clip!!! Go Mommy and Bianca, following that dog (that did not make it into the scene)