We have had a very good Easter this year! It started with an Easter egg hunt at the Battleship! They would section off areas for kids by age and throw a bunch of eggs in there and let the kids at 'em. It worked out well I think. We just took Bianca into Cam's age group since she is pretty gentle and wouldn't push any little ones down for an egg. They made out well! Cam got a few eggs. He likes to hold them and put them in his mouth lol. Bianca liked the candy inside of them.
Next we walked around for a while. We saw the Hurlbuts and said hi to them! Bianca went in the bouncy house all by herself...AND HAD FUN! She hated them last year. Guess she's getting braver!
I wish we were staying here, there is so much fun stuff for kids to do!!! :( Now we're in the stage in the moving process where we're starting to pack up and have movers come over with quotes. How...sad.
On Easter morning we went to church. I took a few pics of the kids. Cam just loves this little pamphlet I got from the doctor's office. The baby on it makes him smile and laugh hahahaha. Love that boy. ;)
Church was nice and afterward we went home for naptime.
For dinner, the Maynes invited us and the Guins over! It was such a nice time, and our kids didn't make big messes lol. We had a lovely meal and nice conversation. I'm really going to miss this ward when we move. :( Happy Easter!!!
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