Wilmington Endings

Everything is starting to wrap up over here, and it really makes me super sad. We've only been here a year, but we've made such good friends here, it really makes me want to cry whenever I think about leaving. :( Bianca is enjoying her last Little gym classes. Here's some vids I took of her and how much she's progressed in a few short months!

So Bianca is officially OBSESSED with Frozen, thanks Grandma. I swear, she already has the whole movie memorized, and we've had it for maybe a week!!! She HAS to act it out too, my little performer. Cameron loves it too and loves watching her sing the songs. Here are some pics of Bianca singing "Let It Go" and Cameron having fun with her.

Here is our strong man Cameron lifitng up the OU letters we have, and they're super heavy, but he LOVES walking around with them. Guess we know what we have to pack up next, huh? ;)

We were so excited to learn that the last game that Bianca's soccer team was supposed to have while we were away was rescheduled to the end of the month, so Bianca WAS able to go to her last game, yay!!! It was bittersweet. She loved playing soccer with her friends. Our team lost every single game, but hey, they had fun.

 Cam had fun picking up leaves and flowers and trying to eat them haha. At the end of the game, all the kids were given a trophy, aw! She was so excited to get one. And a cupcake. Maybe more excited about the cupcake, but still!! We got her pictures too and they are just too cute!

After soccer, was lunch time, and then off to Baby James's birthday party! We will miss the Hatch family so much!!! The kids had fun eating, Cam trying watermelon for the first time, and loving it. The kids all had fun playing together and Pam put on and awesome party, yay!

Our day wasn't over then! After a super quick nap, we went to the beach!!! Gotta get our beach time in before it's all over. So fun!

Yes, it was still a bit chilly out but hey, we still gotta go! Oh, and check out what our silly Bianca likes to do with her toys.

LOL! And we also visited our favorite park for the last few times lately. Here's our fearless little boy conquering the big kids playground!

Cute Cam fact: he's trying to say hus name now! It's obivous he knows his name, but now he tries to say it...except it sounds like...GWENYA!!! He just goes around shouting that whenever we say "Cameron" and it's awesome. hahaha love that crazy boy!

 Next post will be all about our gender reveal because we find out baby 3's sex on the 1st, EEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!