Floods and Crazy People

Well, life certainly hasn't been boring lately that's for sure! I forgot to write about this earlier, but this happened when Micah was about 2 weeks old. 
Apparently things have been going too smoothly because something CRAZY happened a day before Micah's 2 week birthday. Bianca went to the bathroom, as usual, and flushed as ususal. Nothing out of the ordinary.  Bobby went to our bedroom when he saw a puddle of wetness on the floor. Um? Where did that come from? Did she pee on the floor? Surely not, she's too smart for that. I came to see and I opened up the bathroom door and the toilet was SPEWING out water!!! Holy crap! And when you tried to turn the water off, the pipe would shake violently, like it was going to come right out of the wall. What the heck???
Bobby worked in the bathroom and I had to call the company we have to deal with now (did I mention that they decided to go with a company for their houses now? And guess which company? That Bricker company that screwed with us a few months ago. Yeahhh...). And MAN were they rude to me! She told me that our kid probably just dropped a toy in the toilet (uh no! Bianca's too smart for that, lady!) and we're going to have to pay for a plumber ourselves. UGH! So eventually word gets around to David, the landlord, and he must have yelled at them because they called me back and were super nice to me. Yeah. Ugh! Can't stand them. Poor David had to come out here to help us (uh isn't that was you company is supposed to do?? They're not nice). 

Of course this happens RIGHT before dancing class, so we ran around geting Bianca AND Cameron ready (for I was to take the both of them so Cam wouldn't be running around with the carpets all soaked) and I had to feed baby Micah. It was a crazy morning. David came over and I handed the baby to Bobby and took the kids to Bianca's class. Cam was alright. He loves walking around and exploring the studio haha. When we got home, David had pulled up the carpets and put fans up to dry off the walls so that mold wouldn't grow. We are so thankful for such a nice landlord, he is the BEST!

Well this week has been fun with these fans and no carpets in the hallway. There's tacks sticking up in the floor, so we had to really watch our rowdy little Cameron like a hawk! We kept the fans up for the weekend, so Bobby was able to help watch him. He was either with us stuck in the living room or in his room alone with the door shut (which he doesn't mind, he's an awesome independent player). In the living room, we had to move the couches so that he was stuck in there, but he figured out 2 ways to get out: climbing OVER the couch (which was hilarious actually when I saw him do that, smart boy) and climbing over the diaper boxes. I was terrified of being alone with him, but he was so good for me...as long as I had a sleeve of crackers with me. ;)
They didn't come to fix it until Friday, and that was after me calling them on Wednesday to remind them to fix it. *rolls eyes* But it was fixed! And by such a nice man too, they were great! What a week indeed. Oh, and on Tuesday a creepy guy rang our doorbell. I thought it was the carpet man, but no. It was some guy selling an all purpose cleaner. He said he was sworn at up and down the road and called the "n" word by people. I was so polite and said sorry, but I wasn't interested and he huffed at me and left. Rude! And creepy haha. It is interesting living in a house indeed.
It was General Conference this weekend and it was great!! We got some Chili's to go and watched it all! Mr. Micah was cranky on Sunday though. We were so worried it'd continue on throughout the night, because he would not fall asleep! All he wanted to do was eat, but I was in pain! We started the paci a little bit again that day because I needed a break. So far he's been eating just fine *knocks on wood* Hopefully he can now take a paci and soon a bottle! Anyways guess what happened? HE SLEPT FOR 5 STRAIGHT HOURS THAT NIGHT!!! Oh it was wonderful!! I love that boy. We are so lucky to have such a sweet baby.

 Oh and at some point our neighbor next door knocked and accused me of moving something or other from his driveway. I thought he meant the trash can, so I was like "oh no, it wasn't us, I know the trash guys always move our can in weird places every week, maybe it was them" to which he responded a quick "no it is NOT them blahblahblah" and kept saying it was us or someone who lives with us? Yeah. I kept saying no it's not us, but we'll keep an eye out if it happens again. When he almost started to believe me, he asked where we moved from and stuff, but still wasn't very nice. It was a very through interrogation LOL!


Keeping Cameron occupied while the floor is bare equals this...

Cam got up to the table all by himself to eat Sissy's leftover cereal and to drink her water bottle LOL

Not quite chubby, but nice try, Micah ;)

Cam loves MoTab! He'll play else where, but once he hears this music, he comes running! What a sweet spirit this boy has!! <3

Here are the previews of the pics we didn't buy from Micah's newborn shoot.

They love laying around with MicahDoll!

And Cameron loves pressing this music on, much to our dismay...

 I told her to play with Micah and she brought over our picture and showed it to him, haha!
