Our ONLY baby that was able to fit into this Cayuga Medical Center onesie that they gave us when Bianca was born. Crazy!
Look at those beautiful blue eyes! A deeper blue than the other two, but still blue!!!
I got Cameron to hang out with Micah by putting the star on. He loves that thing, and hopefully soon, his brother too, haha!
So teenie!!!
Silly Cameron loves to rock in this thing!
Micah's first car ride out! We all decided to get the heck out and just take a ride to the bank and to get water and milk! He did well. He was a bit cranky when we stopped to get water at the Neighborhood Walmart, but other than that, he didn't mind the ride. Yay (for me and Cam anyways, that means we can get out a bit more)!
Bianca had to learn the 10th Article of Faith to say it in Primary, so I printed out a cheat sheet and had her learn the song. Here she goes:
Finally got a real pic of all 3 of them together! Just took me a couple of weeks ;)
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