Down With The Sickness

Of course we're super close to Bianca's birthday party, and the sickness sweeps through our house. It hasn't really affected the adults yet, or little Micah, thank goodness, but it got/is getting the other two right now. But I am ahead of myself. Here's our pic and vid updates!

Micah licking Bianca's arm....hahaha!

Isn't our house so pretty in the fall???

I love morning snuggles with this happy little boy! He doesn't like staying in our bed for that long, but I appreciate it when he does.

He loves looking at his stars!

So here is where the sickness begins. Bianca has been feeling sorta bleh lately, we chalked it up to school. Then Cameron gets in Bianca's bed and falls asleep in it! He has caught sissy's cold, yay. It was cute watching him sleep in her bed and get cuddly with me, but I hate it when the littles are sick. :(

THOSE EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and here's our pumpkins we painted. Note, use real paint and not kid paint next time. ;)