Our Baby Girl Is 4!!!!

HAPPY 4TH BIRTHDAY, BIANCA NOEL HALL!!! 4 is my absolute favorite age, so I am so excited to see what this year will bring for us!

Backing up a bit, the day after her party, it snowed here for the first time. Why does she always bring the snow near her birthday?? Thanks, Bianca, haha. Oh and here's Bianca doing her first scripture in primary (she was VERY sick though, so ignore her poor voice)

And here's a Cameron video for fun

Pre-birthday randomness:

On Bianca's birthday, I took the boys with me and we went to her school. She wanted me to bring donut holes, so that's what I did. I brought some chocolate sprinkle ones and then some glazed pumpkin ones. Only one kid chose the pumpkin ones, and that was Bianca's friend Delaney, haha! Ms. Karen was so nice and let Cameron sit down and eat some snack with them. Man, she is such an awesome teacher, I'll miss her next year for sure!

When we got home, Dora called her to wish her happy birthday!


Daddy got home early today, hooray! Bianca opened up all of her presents!

Bianca wanted to go to Chuck E Cheese for her birthday, since it's advertised on TV all the time, hahahah. Hey, your ads work I guess! It was fun! We ordered a pizza and then played some games. She got to do every one she wanted. She had fun going on the car with daddy and then shooting up people on the Batman game with mommy (and man, she was pretty good at it too). Then the Mouse dude came out to give extra tickets. Bianca is way too nice and NOT aggressive at all, so I was afraid that she wasn't going to get any, but she did indeed go for it and grab some, so hooray! We could tell we were ready to go when Cam kept being sleepy and laying on the floor, haha. Micah was good too! He wanted to be held most of the time, but no crying until the very end. Success!

We went home and ate some cake.