Adios August!

We're back in the swing of school/work/and now therapies, and we are SO busy! Not much to update on really, just a fun pic and vid dump post :)

After making my infamous olive oil tortillas :)


LOL! This is Cam's fave episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, MMC ROCKS, and this is Bianca's fave song in it. And she is spot on in her impression ;)

Teeth pics!

Went to playgroup with my boys!

Big sis and big/lil bro photo shoot!


On Sunday we went for a walk and bike ride around the neighborhood. It was so nice out and a lot of fun :)


"Don't Sprain Your Ankle Or Anything..." A Date Night Story

Once upon a time, Clare offered to babysit for us for free, so we deiced to go all out and do everything we couldn't do with kids. First stop was the trampoline park. So excited for this since I grew up bouncing and flipping on trampolines. When we told Clare where we were going her first words were "oh boy, don't sprain your ankle or anything." Remember that. We get there and put on our socks and I told Bobby not to hop on the blue part because it's probably not as padded as it looks. Remember that too.

Five minutes in and he lands super hard on the blue part. And. Hurts. His. Ankle. Yeahhhhh!! My silly husband! But it wasn't broken because he kept on going and felt OK, so we stayed our full time and had a blast!

Once we start walking to the car, he seemed a bit wobbly, but still OK. So we went to Main Event and were going to do the ropes course, but with his ankle still hurting, we decided to just do lazer tag, which Bobby had NEVER done before. What an awful childhood he must have had. ;) It was a lot of fun and our team won!!

We considered taking him to urgent care then since his ankle was starting to feel worse, but instead we decided to pig out at Ted's haha! Cause we're ADULTS!

We finally get home, and Clare leaves and Bobby cannot walk on his ankle, ahhh! We go get it checked out and x-ray-ed and find out it was luckily just a sprain. They even wheeled him out to the car hehe. 

Even with all of the pain, we can both say that we had an absolute blast and we hope to go on another date again soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

Bianca's First Days Of The 2015-2016 Year!

Life in the Hall household is a lot more exciting these days! First a Cameron update! We have his therapist coming over to our house every Thursday morning, and we're super excited for it. She seems nice and I'm excited to see what I can learn from her. We are also in the process of getting him additional speech therapy at this place near Bianca's dance classs called Speech and Beyond. We'll be with Miss Erin and are excited to start this journey to help him! We're also going to start him on a gluten free diet, since we've read that that helps a lot of kids with Autism. Dairy free helps too, so I think we're going to add that in after he's good with being GF .

So lots of firsts these past few weeks! First first is that I got Bianca her first bike at a consignment sale!!! It is so cute! It's a princess bike with a bell and streamers, super cute! She loves it and is so excited to learn to ride it. <3 She got to pick out new safety gear at the store and I put the training wheels on myself (I apologize if they break haha!).

Cute Sunday pics

They LOVE limes, haha!

Finally got some semi-OK pics of Micah boy's teeth!!!!!!!

We got to meet Bianca's teacher, Ms. Currier! She seems like a brand new teacher, but seems really nice. They get to go in for a half a day to get used to pre-k before starting school with everyone, which is good, esp for kids who never went to school before.

Well Bianca was SO excited for her first day of pre-k and having her big girl backpack. She wasn't nervous at all! And I got to walk her to class and everything that day, so that was super fun :) She said she had a great day and that her teacher was so nice, so yay!

sitting on the side waiting for Mommy!!!

Here's daddy's new classroom. He was given the most awful classroom, but he made it work.

Here's Micah drinking water out of a cup for the first time. I got a bit worried because he won't drink out of anything except for my boobs, lol, so we figured it was time to get him going on some sippy cups. This specific cup seemed to work the best...after trying out what seemed to be a million cups, lol. Silly Micah!


Bianca started up dance again! Her teacher is Ms. Corban, and she is awesome!!! She makes them put on their own shoes, but is also super silly and fun with them. I think she'll learn a lot this year.

Here's Bianca's "official" first day of school pic!
Fave color: purple and pink
I want to be a: mommy
Fave food: pineapple
fave song: All Mary Poppins Songs

Well, he's doing a bit better in his bed, although someone should tell him pillows are not blankets ;)

There are kids under here somewhere!!!

This is going to be our busiest year yet, but bring it on, we're ready for it!!!!!!!!!