I'll start where we last left off! Right after Bianca's theatre camp performance, we left for Clinton, OK, where Graddaddy's old school's reunion always is. Wanda drove him down this year and Bobby's parents were driving up for it, so we decided to go down and see everyone too! It was late when we got to the hotel that night and 2/3 of the kids were sleepy. Guess which ones.
The kids weren't bad in the hotel, so yay. The next morning we met up with everyone and drove out to "the farm" and scattered Granny's ashes out there. I stayed in the car with the kids because the boys are noisy and I didn't want to disturb the somber atmosphere. After that we drove to the place where the Foss school used to be. The kids had fun running around. Bianca charmed all of the older people and Cameron kept going around the monument thing looking at the letters and saying which ones they were. So proud of that boy!!!
Then everyone just kinda left, so we went out to dinner to some Chinese place with Bobby's parents and we left ourselves. We stopped at a school supply place in OKC on the way back. It was nice to see everyone though!!
LOVE his new sad face, it is just too cute heh. Sorry buddy!
skull diaper!!!
showing off his ABC knowledge. Just caught him in his room doing this!
Milk drunk <3
Bobby got his classroom assignment. It's the crappiest room in the school. It's super small and there's a huge counter/sink area that makes it look like a science room. He asked his principal if he could switch with the science teacher...because that makes sense and he said he would want that room...but no. No switching allowed, even if it makes sense. Oh well. One. More. Year. He started prepping his room though! There's pics throughout this post of his progress :)
Went to playgroup and it was just us and one other family. It was still fun and nice for them to get out. They LOVE splash pads, so this was super fun for them. Not fun for me when Cam would drink water off of the ground....LOL! YUCK!!! But yeah...they had a blast haha.
*anchor diapers, hehe*
Cameron singing that song "For The Family Is Of God" (next 2 vids)
Took them to the mall play place and Bianca decided to perform Let It Go when it came on, lol!
Bobby's favorite student Jesus and his family invited us over to his house to eat some smoked chicken. Lol to Bobby. Needless to say, I ate a TON of chicken for the both of us that day LOL! It was so nice of them to have us over though! They even got Micah to sleep in the baby swing! It was lovely. They're a nice family.
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