BoUnCy HoUsE fUn + Haircut Time

As a last hurrah for the summer, we decided to take the kids to this place in Tulsa called Bounce U. It was alright. I don't think they were quite old enough (or brave enough in sweet Bianca's case) to REALLY enjoy it, but I think they still had fun! Cam was a little scared at first, but didn't mind it too much, especially when we went in the other room that had an area for littler kids. Micah had fun playing with some toys on the ground and hanging out with Cam in the littler area. Bianca liked it too and she got a little more brave at the end. She went with some bigger kids and they helped her to stand up on this pedestal and push this ball thing around. Hard to describe, lol pics below!

going down the slide himself!

the ball thing I was talking about!!

Then Bianca got her back to school haircut! I can't believe how fast her hair grew this year!!! It looks super cute though. I even had them angle it slightly in the front...well not that she ever wears her hair down, but it looks cute when down.



After nap time we went on a walk, but here is how I found Cameron when I went in to wake him up, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I guess trying to keep him "penned" in his big boy bed isn't really working. Still, he won't jump off of his bookshelf, so he has that much sense. Still a silly boy. Hopefully he'll learn to stay in his bed soon so we can get rid of this get-up.

These are just from this morning of her hair when it's down. SO. CUTE.