We ate some yummy watermelon. We are so exciting, I know. ;)
licked the plate clean!!
I took the boys to playgroup at some park in Sapulpa. It was pretty neat and had big swings that Cam could sit comfortably in. He loved it and I got a break while pushing the boys. Win Win!
I dressed the older 2 in their superman shirts and they were too cute so I had to take a bazillion pics of them.
Look at those muscles, Cam ;)
Meanwhile, Micah ate his yogurt drops
Micah doesn't really like cow milk yet. We'll slowly get there I guess.
Oh boy! This morning after Cameron's music class (Oh yeah, last month we put him in a Bouncin' Beethoven's class, kinda like a kindermusic class, and he LOVES it! His teacher Miss Katherine is super nice to him!!!), we heard this weird meowing. We look outside and the 2 cats we always see wandering around the neighborhood are right in our bushes acting SO weird! The gray one was meowing and it was like it was going into labor (it wasn't, found out later it was a BOY lol). Then the other cat just sat next to was the oddest thing. We couldn't figure out what was wrong, so I posted on our neighborhood website about them, and finally someone wrote back. She said the cat was a stray, but she feeds it, and that he'll be fine. Alrighty then. When we got back home from Saturday lunch and errands, they were gone, but MAN it was weird!!!
Here's the kids being weirdos, hehe
Bianca finally had her first dentist appointment! She did SO well! The boys were alright too. Micah got a little bored, but they survived. She was awesome and no cavities!
Here's my attempt at getting the shot I wanted with Micah wearing his Cornell shirt that's getting too small for him.
Putting birthday moneys in his piggy bank!
LOVE this pic of Cameron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
Isn't she cute?!?!?!
Oh yeah, one more thing I forgot to write about! So Bianca's teacher, Ms. Currier, had to leave the school for a family emergency. Oh no! That left them without a teacher, which we weren't too happy with. It ended up that they were able to hire a new teacher within a week. Her name is Ms. Lyons and she seems great! She worked in Tulsa and got teacher of the year there, and worked in Mississippi and England. She seems like she knows what she's doing, so yay! We are excited for Bianca to finally be getting into the swing of things in Pre-K :)