So I guess there's a Peanuts movie coming out soon, and there's this site where you can make yourself a Peanut character, so duh, of course I did it! Here we are!
So cute! So here's a few cute pics from this week. Enjoy!
Having fun in the car line waiting to go to school, lol!
Micah got his 1 yr shots the day after his birthday. He was so sleepy and had a bit of a fever, so Bianca gave him her blanket and helped him to feel better. Isn't she the sweetest thing?? <3
Handing me all the toys in the bath!
Trying to get things ready for his party, but he just wants to play. Look at that face!! Gah! So cute! <3
LOL! He slept in the car with his hand on his face. Looks like he smacked himself in the face.
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