Isn't she so cute!! She's starting to get some chub on her!
Momma said knock you out?
She just LOVES her play mat! But she hates the bird AND the bird song. Isn't that funny?? Guess we shouldn't take her to bird world anytime soon...
That leads us to today's adventure. We decided, since she is almost 8 weeks old and we are able to take her out (yes, we are those paranoid over protective parents that don't take their kids out until 8 weeks), that we were going to head up to the Syracuse Mall that's 45 mins away. We can eat and walk around and it'll be great! Well the day started off great:
And she got in her car seat just fine:
Then it went down hill. First, there was no parking close because of the snow we recently got. Then she hated being pushed around in the stroller. Like seriously, she was screaming bloody murder. Yeah. Then she pooped. And I fed her in the bathroom, and she didn't want to be in the stroller and just wanted to be held and yeah. It was pretty awful. But Bobby was able to exchange the shirt I got him (which was our reason for heading up there in the first place), so yay? The best part was when we decided to take her on the carousel. She actually liked that. Probably because she was in my lap the whole time, but hey, whatever keeps her quiet.
Then she screamed most of the way home. On the plus side, she fell fast asleep as we got home and slept almost all night. Um YEAH! But was it worth it? Hmm..that's still to be decided. ;)
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