Parenthood Maddness

Well Bobby is back in school, so that means no more extra help from Daddy. But that's fine with me! Bianca is so sweet. Yes, she can get angry, but we love our little squish. She is so spoiled. She currently sleeps between us because that's the only way we can ALL get some sleep, and Daddy especially needs his sleep so he can do well in school! But she also naps in the swing and car seat occasionally, so that's good! Here's some cute shots of our princess!

She falls asleep on daddy like this:

                                              (anyone else thinking THRILLER here??)

Bianca's first day of church!! She did well. During Sunday school we had to take her into the hall because she was getting cranky, but not too bad for an 8 week old! She got to wear her cute Christmas outfit from Gram that she was already growing out of.

Waiting patiently for Daddy to come home!!!

She is also OBSESSED with sticking her tongue out, silly girlie!!!


On Sundays, we like to take naps together on the couch. So sweet! <3 Love this little girl and these sweet moments.