Our "Boring" Lives

Man, after this summer and all of Bobby's birthday celebrations, I feel like we're pretty boring right now. Just working, schooling, eating, playing. I'll make this a picture post and with some captions underneath about what we've been up to these past couple of weeks. :)

We went to the mall and I let the kids play in the dinky play area while daddy returned something. 


                                         I tied the balloon that sings a song to his toy and they both enjoy bopping                                 it...several...times...a...day....enough to drive this mommy crazy!!!

                                            Trying to get him to sleep and snuggle in the mornings with us

She loves Daddy's card, and Taylor Swift. She does this a bazillion times a day too, ha!

8 Months- Cameron! Plus UTD pics


Today we took your picture at the battleship! I tried taking your pic in front of downtown Wilmington and the ship, but you did better this month in front of downtown. We'll save the Battleship for another month. :) Man, this month I think you grew the MOST! Since you're teething, you're still up 1-2 times a night. Come on, give momma a break! ;) You love cereal, but meat is one of your favorites now (that's a boy!). You'll eat anything though, unlike your sister, so you go boy! You purr whenever you eat anything you think is super yummy, which is HILARIOUS! Oh and you're pulling up ALREADY, WHAT??? You even dance sometimes when pulling up. You love playing in Bianca's room with her (or at least with her TV on). You went all over the place, from DC area, to SC, to all around Wilmington. You're moving and grooving. You started planking, then on all 4's, then propelling yourself forward. Almost there, bud! Oh and sitting by yourself in the grocery carriage is new for ya. We're so proud of you, Cam! Here's your photoshoot!

Now exciting news on mommy's life: My episode of Under the Dome came on tonight! It was the season finale and you could kinda see me in it this time. They cut off my head, but you can see the rest of me, hooray! Here's the pics and a few more cute ones of our precious little boy.

Upper left corner of the crowd, my body lol


Happy 30th Birthday, Daddy! And Gram Comes to Visit!


What a big number! ;) We love you daddy. He had to go into B&GC earlier today because he had an "interview" to get paid instead of just being a volunteer, heck yes!! Since we're kinda used to waking up early now, we decided that 30 year olds eat cake for breakfast. I made a bubble gum flavored cake, and it was AMAZING! I even enjoyed it and I'm not all into the bubble gum thing. The frosting got a bit messed up in the fridge overnight, but it still tasted good!

We got ready and went down to the beach! We just went to Wrightsville because it is closer and have the best Mexican place down there. We ate and then played on the beach for a little bit. Bianca made friends (as ususal lol) with an older lady and collected some shells with her haha. It was a nice morning/early afternoon. I'm glad we were able to make daddy's BIG birthday a special one!

 The next day at his UNCW job, they had a bunch of balloons waiting for him, hahahah! Bianca was excited for them, for sure. There was one that sings, that one was Cameron's favorite. 

Here's some silly pics and vids of the kiddos

                                      He gets around in his own way hehe

Yesterday Gram came into town! Her and Barbara are doing their annual trip back to her home in GA. This year they took a detour and stopped in Wilmington to see us! After church, we picked her up from her hotel and took her to the beach. We went to Kure beach so we could go eat at the little diner there. It was there that we asked her if she wanted to come to Disney World with us this Winter Break!! She actually said yes! So that'll be fun and excited. I can't wait to take Bianca, since she's so into everything Disney right now. Even Cam knows who Mickey is I think!

We took her to our apartment next and she braved our 36 steps up to our 3rd floor apartment to hang out a little bit. Then we took her back to their hotel. It was a short visit, but nice.