We've officially got our routine down. And it's nice. Bianca seems to be doing well in school. She loves her teacher and getting to play with friends every day. Plus she's been going to the potty well there! It's a potty training classroom, so they help with that process. She still wears a pull up to naps and diaper at nighttime, but at least she's good during the day. Baby steps I suppose. :) It's great too because on Tuesday, some ladies at church get together and go to the park, so I can take Bianca to play with her church friends. She gets the best of both worlds. Cam is enjoying his mommy and son time while she's at school. In reality, we just roll around on the floor and I can catch up on my shows in the background, but I love spending time with my little man. Bobby's been a bit busy with school, but it's not as bad as Cornell, so really, I can't complain at ALL!
He's officially too heavy to stay in his carseat in the grocery store. Doesn't he look so big?? <3
I was laughing at her silly outfit too, Cam. :-P
We saw that there was going to be fireworks in a nearby town of Leland, so we decided to go. We got some snow-cones, watched a band play, and then the fireworks went off. I guess we got there right in time for all of that. Bianca tried to make friends with some older kids that were sitting in front of us, but they weren't into it, bless her heart.
They were hair pullin' good!
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