Strong Man and Healthy Girl

If our kids could have superhero names, those would be it for sure. Mr. Cameron is getting stronger by the day. He was always super strong, even pushing on my belly wicked hard in the womb, but now he is starting to learn to crawl! He has been doing the push-up/plank stance for a while, but now he's up on all 4's, ready to try this whole crawling thing. Bah! I'm not ready for it hehe. Bianca is loving her school. Her teacher said she hasn't been eating much at lunch time though. :-/ She's not used to eating burgers and pasta and stuff, normal toddler facorites. I guess I feed her a little bit TOO healthy here. Bobby's doing fine at work. His work schedule is great. On M W F we drop him off at work and then I take Miss Bianca to school. He works on Tuesday nights at the school, so we have to grab him at night, but it's not bad. We're thankful for his job! He also has an interview on his birthday to get a paid position at B&GC! Woohoo! That means his birthday trip will be a week earlier, but it's all good. As for myself, I'm fine, loving my time with Cameron on M W F, and hanging out with my sweet girl the rest of the time. Here's a bunch of pics and videos of our little superheros, Stong Man Cameron and Healthy Girl Bianca!

                               She won't eat the slop at school, but she'll steal my salad at home, psshh!!