Adios 2013!

That about sums up how we feel about leaving 2013 behind. It was a great year for the Halls! Our little Cameron boy came into this world for one! And we got to move to THE BEACH!!! Sure, job stuff sucks still, but we are blessed and truly happy.We've made great friends here already (even had a chocolate fondue party but on by our VT this month. I've always been blessed with the best VTs for sure!) Who knows what this next year will bring, except for most likely the big move to Oklahoma (please OKC not anywhere else!!!), but it shall be an interesting year ahead, that's for sure. Here's our last of '13 vids and pics. Check out this first video of Bianca singing her favorite Christmas song, "The Chipmunk Song" haha. So cute!

It's Christmas Time On The Beaccchhh!


Like I said in my last post, we spent much of Christmas Eve driving back home from Bethesda, but we got home at a reasonable hour. I set up all of the presents under the tree and we did our tradition of reading "The Night Before Christmas."

We then got ready for bed because Christmas was going to be a busy busy day! :-D


Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas! We all got to sleep in, which was nice. The kids woke up to see what "Santa" brought for them, and were super excited. Cameron got Scout the dog and Bianca got a kitchen set! Yay! Next we opened up our stockings!

Next we opened up the rest of our presents. It was a lot of fun. Bianca liked to open one and just play with it. Cameron seemed confused with what was happening, and Bobby and I tried to soak all of the cuteness of our kids in.

 After presents, we let the kids play for a bit, ate lunch, and then headed right out to the beach just to say we've been to the beach on Christmas, because yeah, no beaches in Oklahoma. :( It was chilly outside (uh because it's DECEMBER), but not too awful. Here's our lovely beach photo shoot!

 So fun! The kids came home and napped and I cooked a big dinner tonight because we were having the Sister Missionaries over! I went over and picked them up (sorry to the Sister who had to squish in the back between the 2 car seats). Bianca was so excited. We made some cookies together to give to them and she couldn't wait to give them their gifts! It was nice having them over, definitely added to the spiritual atmosphere we were going for. Plus it's a nice thing to do! I took them home afterwards and we all just hung out together. I am so thankful for my sweet family this Christmas, they mean the world to me. <3

                                            Cam loves Daddy's bear, haha!