Under My Tree

Our Christmas tree has been put up and the apartment decorated! I love this time of the year, even though it means coldness. We did our tradition of putting Snowed In on and decorating the tree. It was more fun for Bianca this year because she was able to help us put more ornaments on the tree. Cameron on the other hand liked to sit there and chew on the few ornaments we gave him haha. He loves the tree though! Especially the lights. Now comes the fun part of playing "Keep Cameron Away From The Tree" for the next month...

Then of course Bobby and I had our traditional hot chocolate (kids, you can start having some when you're 8...maybe hehe). It was a nice night spent together. Here's our pictures!

Oh, and today Cameron learned how to say  "door." Well, he's been saying it for a few days now, but now he REALLY says it. He loves going into our bathroom or into the kitchen, the few places he SHOULDN'T be in of course, and opens the door and just says "door." Luckily I have video proof of my smart boy! :-D